No. English. Loo-Choo. L ite ra l Translation.
O f B u r n in g a nd Scalding.
84. Fire will bum you Fee yâddee Fire bums.
85. Water will scald you Meésee yâddee Water bums.
86. Scalding oneself with Meézee fidgeroósa yoo Water hot * bums.
hot water yâddee
O f E n q u iry and Reply.
87. What is the name of Noóndeega coóra na What is this name.
88. The name of this is Coóra ga na ya This * name *.
89. How many children Qui eecootiéga * * - *
have you
90. How old are you or Eecoótseega * * *.
91. I am fourteen years Joóshee - Fourteen.
of age
92. I am eighteen years Joohatchee Eighteen.
of age
93. — twenty-five, &c. Neéjoogoo Twenty-five.
94. To boil potatoes - Mootâjeeing Potatoes to boil.
95. I am very busy Yoojoónatan * * *
96. The sting of a snake Hâboo coótee sheénoong Snake sting to kill.
will kill
97. Sucking milk at the Chee noóma chee Milk * breast.
98. A child drinking milk Chee noódee wàrrabee - Milk drinking child.
at the breast
99. A child kissing its W àrrabee umma coóchee Child mother mouth kissmother
spoótee ing-
100. A woman leaning Innâgo kâkatong eéki - Woman to lean anchor.
on an anchor
101. A live shell-fish will Amang it chchawng coó- Shell-fish to be alive to bite.
bite yoong
Fânna mâsa kabâsha -
Fânna nang kabâsha -
Doochoo innâgo fwhoocoo Loo-choo woman
oôrung many *.
Sootitseewang tseéchoong Sootitsee I *
Moo iee bo6tee eé-
No. ' E n g lish .
102. This flower has a
pleasant smell
103. This flower has no
104. Loo-Choo women
are not very
105. The sootitsee (sago
tree) pricked me
106. To plant potatoes
107. Drunk, I vomit
108. After sunset it is
109. When the sun
shines, and there
are no clouds, it
is fine weather
110. The sun sets at six
111. The horse fell down,
and the tayin
broke his finger
112. After seven years
we wash the bones
and put them into
a vase
113. Without any flesh
114. The people of Loo-
Choo I shall never
115. You will soon for
get them
116. Twelve hours make
one day
Weétee moónoo hâeh-
Teéda sâgatee seedâsha
Teéda téttee, koômoo
nang, yaytlnchee
Roocoo twit'chee teéda
Ma tâwrittee tâyin noo
eébee oôtee
Sitchee ning, coôtsee
arâtee jeéshee ittee
Shishee ning
Doôchoo noo choo sibit-
tee yoôtoosha
Sibittee wâsa
Joo nee twit'chee, it chee
L itera l 'Translation.
Flower sweet smell.
Flower no smell.
Potatoes ground * *.
Drunk I vomit.
Sun setting cool.
Sunshine, clouds none, fine
13ix hours sun to set.
Horse fell down, tayin’s
finger broke.
Seven years’ bones washing
vase putting in.
Flesh none.
Loo-choo people remember
* *.
Remember bad.
Ten two hours, one day.