No. En g lish . Loo-Choo. L itera l Tra/nslation.
48. By and by I will Atookdrra qua gneequed- By and by children * to
give it to my chil- oong give,
49. Shut this, or it
50. Open this, or it
51. Do you open this, or
52. Open this book
53. Openyour watch that
I may look at it
O f Opening and S h u ttin g .
Akittee ninjoong - Shutting to sleep.
Aklttee mirree, or akd- Opening it.
Akdtindee, or ya akirree Opening, or you opening.
Y a shedmootsee akirree You book opening.
Akdtindee kdrahigh med- Opening watch to see.
O f L o sin g a nd Finding.
54. To lose a pencil - Hoodee ootoochung - Pencil to lose.
55. To find a pencil - Hoodee toomatung - Pencil to find.
56. Two small suns
57. A few boys
58. A few men
59. A great many men
60. A few books
61. A great many books
O f Quantity.
Tdtsee teeda gua
Coosa wdrrabee
Ickkeekoósa -
Shedmootsee sdnsatehee
Shedmootsee tóro
Two suns small.
Few boys.
Men few.
Men many.
Books few.
Books many.
2. Six kinds of wine - Moóeeyroo noo sdckkee * of wine.
63. Making a false step
64. Vases made at Napa
65. Sand spread on a
level plain on
which water is
sprinkled for making
O f Making.
Koónsinda ddkatchee -
Ndpa jedshee scoótee
Sinna oóshoo shdee md-
shoo tdtchoong
Napa vases made.
Sand sea *
salt to
No. English. Loo-Choo. L ite ra l Translation.
66. Sing a song - Ya oota yo&shoong - You song to sing.
67. Jeeroo sings well, or Je6roo o6ta yooshoong Jeeroo song to sing
with good taste cheecheegootoo * *•
O f B r in g in g a nd Carrying.
68. Bring your children
69- Bring fire here
70. This vessel carries
vases to Oonting
71. Boy, bring fire to
light my pipe
72. Bring a cup of water
T o write a letter -
74. Tayin is sketching
the bridge
75. Tayin sketches very
76. To sketch a Loo-
Choo temple
77. Thank you
78. How do you do
79. Very well
80. I am very sorry
Ya qua safiteecoo
Fée toóteecoo
Hoonee jedshee kdtta-
mittee Oónting
Trree fee toóteecoo to-
bdcco foókee
Chdwung ndki medzee
You children bring.
Fire bring.
Ship vases * Oonting.
Boy fire bring, tobacdo
Teacup * water *
O f W r itin g and Sketching.
Jee kdtchoong
Tdyin hdshee noo ed-
Tdyin yoókatchee choo-
Dodchoo meda edkatch-
A character to write.
Tayin bridge of to sketch.
Tayin * sketches
Loo-Choo temple to sketch.
O f Compliment.
- Kd foóshee •?
- Yoo ky'moong -
- Oogdnjoo
- Oomoótee shangcoómeh
81. Tayin lives here
82. ■‘A man living in the
83. I live on board the
O f L iv in g or Residing.
Tdyin simmdjoo coo - Tayin lives here.
Ickkeegd simma dwhfee A man living country.
Wang hoonee gua sim- I ship small to live«