No. E n g lish .
12. I am going on board
13. I came yesterday
14. Go down there
15. Come up here
16. You go below
17. To go out of a place
18. To come into a place
19. Tayin -f* returns
20. To go in a boat to
Loo-Choo to carry
21. To go to sea in a
boat to catch fish
22. Where is Tayin gone
23. Tayin has gone to
the other ship to
pay his respects
24. When all are drunk
we shall be permitted
to go on shore
25. I am going now, he
will come presently
26. I am going on shore
to dinner
27. I am going on board
to dinner
28. When the ships depart
to-morrow all
the Loo-Choo people
will pray
29. To drink wine
Timma ki eechoong
Cheenoo chung
Amfinka ic'kkee
Noobo6tee coo
Ya oodee meeshawdee -
Yd ka saut eechoong -
Yd ka saut choong
Tdyin -f* choo-oong
Dofichoo timma eechoong
eeo katdmmeeoong
Timma edchoong ooshoo
eeo cheeoong
Tdyin makdyee ga iinjara
Tdyin edchoong hooboo-
nee meeyoong Shee-
I'gnea weetee amdki moo-
totee yodtoosha
Atookdrra wang eechoong
atookdrra edchoong
Wang amdki eechoong
Wang hoonee ki edch-
oong mo6noo kdmoong
A cha hoonee nittee Do6-
choo mang ho6nee
O f E a tin g and D rinking.
Sackkee noomoong
L itera l Tra/nslation.
Boat * to go.
Yesterday came.
* there.
Ascend here.
You * *.
* * * to go.
* * * to come.
The great man to come.
Loo-Choo boat to go fish
to carry.
Boat to go sea fish to catch.
Tayin * * *.
Tayin to go large ship to
see *.
All drunk shore *
By and by I to go, by and
by to go.
I shore to go I to eat.
I ship * to go I to eat.
To-morrow ship * Loo-
Choo thousand ship *.
Wine to drink.
t Ta-jin, in Chinese, signifies a great mam it is translated by Mr. Morrison his
No. English.
30k Sweet wine
31. I eat
32. I never drink tea -
33. Tayin and you never
drink wine
34. The parting glass -
35. I t is good (to eat) -
36. I t is bad, throw it
37. I t is tea, to drink
38. To look at the sun
through a glass
39- I look, or I see -
40. The English gentleman
is looking
41. Stop, you shall look
42. Clouds obscure the
43. The branches of the
tree obstruct the
sight >
44. I f a Loo-Choo woman
should see
you she will be
45. Will you give me
46. Give me that pencil
47. I gave him some
Mo6noo kdmoong
Cha noddee ndrang
Tdyin ya sackkee nod-
dee ndrang
Co6dee mdsa
Neesha islcung
Medzee tdjeeing cha
O f Looking and Seeing.
Teeda meeoong kdgung
I'ngere tdyin meeshee-
Mdtee, atookdrra ya
Ko6moo teeda o6soo-
Todmee kdgung kee noo
kdttakdshee meerang
Doochoo inndgo I'ngere
meeoong ndchoong
O f Giving.
Wang yee quirree
Hoodee moot'choo
A ree nee queetang
L ite ra l Tra/nslation.
Sweet wine.
I to eat.
Tea drinking never.
Tayin you wine drink never.
This good (to eat).
Bad *.
Water to boil tea drinking.
Sun to see glass.
I to see.
English great man to look
Stop, by and by you to look
Clouds sun to cover over.
Spy-glass trees branches to
Loo-Choo woman English
to see, to cry.
I * giving.
Pencil bring.
Him. * giving.