sailors, who had been kept in the boats for fear o f their
doing mischief, had not been neglected by the Chief, who
had sent them part of the feast, nor did it seem that they
had any objection to the sackee. We looked anxiously on
the right and left as we passed through the crowd, in hopes
of seeing some of the women, but in this expectation we
were disappointed. At a considerable distance indeed, on
the opposite side of the harbour, we saw a group of women,
several of whom came down to the causeway to obtain a
better view of the boats as they passed. Six or eight young
girls ran to the pier head, round some rocks near the e n d ;
they reached this spot ju st as we rowed past, but looked
quite frightened a t finding themselves so near us, and
immediately drew-back out of our sight. We fancied that
we could discover a good deal of beauty in some of their
faces, and that their figures were handsome; but as we had
not seen a fair lady’s face for nearly half a year before, our
judgment in this case is not perhaps to be depended on.
Ookooma and his associates put off to accompany us in one
of their own boats, but as it blew hard, they came no farther
than the pier h e a d : Jeeroo, however, was sent along with
us, to see that there were no stray sheep.
What is to follow is uncertain, but it is clear that we have
made little progress of late, while fresh obstacles have been
hourly rising against our landing; in the meantime, the Loo-
chooans shew no little sagacity and kindness of disposition
in supplying us liberally with all kinds of stock.
24th of September.—Last night and to-day it has blown
a hard gale of wind, beginning a t north north-east, and
shifting to north-west, but the reefs and the land break its
force, and enable us to ride in perfect security : in all probability
it blew severely in the open sea. The barometer
fell from 29. 62, to 29- 50, yesterday; in the evening it had
reached 29. 48, and this morning stood a t '29. 40. About
four in the morning it began to rise rapidly, and the severity
of the gale did not come on till it had risen a good deal.
The thermometer both in the day and night stands, a t 82°,
with very little variation, but the sky being constantly
clouded, no observations could be made.
25th of September.—Jeeroo came on board this morning
with a present of vegetables and fruit, and afterwards went
on board the Alceste to join Ookooma and Jeema. They
had preceded him with a present from the Chief, by whose
desire they made a number of kind inquiries, and repeatedly
expressed, in his name, surprise and satisfaction at our
having been able to ride out the gale. They also apologized
for not visiting us yesterday, which, the gale had rendered
impossible. I t was represented in the conference to-day>,
that our limbs were getting quite stiff for want of exercise,