and fheer off to fea. The Rattlefnake was much damaged in
her rigging, received many fhot between wind and water, had
three men killed and feveral wounded. La Preneufe mounted
44 guns, and had on board upwards of three hundred men.
This affair decided General Dundas as to the expediency of
erecting a fmall work' for the defence of the landing-place, and
a block-houfe furrounded with a pallifade for the protection of
the men to be Rationed there. Thefe precautions were the
more necelfary as whalers and neutral fhips fometimes look into
Algoa Bay and purchafe refrefhments from the boors in exchange
for gunpowder. The mifchief that an enemy might
effedt by landing here and putting mufquets and ammunition
into the hands of the Kaffers, is not to be calculated ; and thefe
people for fome years back have been Rationed in vail numbers
upon the banks of the Sunday River, which difcharges itfelf
into Algoa Bay oppofite the iflands of St. Croix, where it may
be feen, by the chart, there is fecure anchorage and convenient
From the moment this bay became a military Ration, the face
of the furrounding country began to put on a new appearance.
The flip of ground, contiguous to the landing place, was converted
into gardens; and the Rupid boors Rared with wonder,
and were Rruck with afioniftiment, at the variety and quantity
of vegetables they produced. Thefe people, alfo, foon found
the benefit of a ready market for the confumption of their produce.
Many trifling articles, fuch as milk and eggs, from
which they had never before derived the leafi advantage, were