To face page- z55,
In all other parts of the bay
harbour would be fruitlefs. Th
the conftant rolling fwell in the ’
the entrance of any dock with
Salt River is alternately open ar
The annexed chart of Table 1
Governor Van de Graaf in the
by a diligent examination, to bd
choring-ground in general is toll
the fand leaves bare fometimes f
of hard blue fchiftus that appear|
of the bay. Thefe ridges are
acrofs them is fure to be cut ini
frequently that the bay is full
been filhed up; and thefe contril
cut and chafe the cables of othe|
taken to remove the anchors,
every year, there will not, in t l
fingle large ihip.. When the DiT
was blown out of Table Bay in
eight anchors behind.
Admiral Pringle, I underftanl
convenience arifmg from the ra
fome degree remediable, by iinkl
Ihips, inftead of their lying at a i
which blow from September to
the feafon when all ihips bound i