The extent of the forefts, beginning at Moflel Bay, and running
eaftward parallel to the fea-coaft, is at leaft two hundred
and fifty Englifh miles, and the breadth from the feet of the
mountains to the fea is ten, fifteen, and in fome places twenty,
miles. A'great part of this tra£t is compofed of large and beautiful
plains, interfered by numerous rivers, and abounding in
lakes full of excellent fifh. The ground is well calculated either
for pafturage or tillage, and capable'of complete irrigation ; but,
adds this gentleman, the farmers here, as well as in all other
parts of the colony, are lazy beyond defcription ; the grounds,
held by each, being fufficient for a great number of induftrious
families. He concludes his remarks by an opinion, that the flip
of land, fituated between the firft chain of mountains and the
lea coaft, and from Zwellendam to Algoa Bay, if well flocked
with inhabitants, fo that each would be under the neceffity of
labouring for a fubfiftence, would not only be able to furnifh
a fupply of grain for the whole colony, but would afford alfo a
furplus for exportation.
Although I cannot exactly fubfcribe to this opinion, yet I am
firmly perfuaded that, with the addition of the trad of coun-’
try between the north range of mountains and the weft coaft,
and', from Saint Helena Bay to the Cape, the whole mafs o f
people within the prefent limits of the colony might be more
comfortably fubfifted than they now are, and an'abundance of
corn and cattle, Wine, and other neceffaries', over and above, for a
garrifon of five thoufand men, and for a fleet containing an equal
number of fbuls. But irrt>rd£rto' make the^ccfun try prodiiieuhis: