attempted. Seven families wifhing to remain Britiili fubjecb,
and to derive the benefit of the Englifh markets, had migrated
to Nova Scotia, where they were difcouraged from extending
their colony, and were invited by the Right Honourable Charles
Greville to fettle at Milford in Milford Haven. They fitted
out- their ihip and had a fuccefsful voyage, and the refpeft-
able family of Starbucks have extended the concern to four
Parliament wifely continued the limited' invitation to foreign
fifhermen to fettle at Milford, and the acceffion of Mr. Roteh
has increafed the Milford Fifhery to eight fhips. And the very
extenfive connexion of that gentleman in America,, is likely to
make the port of Milford important to the mutual benefit of
commerce between Great Britain and America,. for which- its
fituation is fo eminently fuited. The Southern Whale Fifhery,
from this place, has not a lefs capital afloat at this time than
80,0001, nor has any whaling ihip from the port of Milford
the leaft concern whatfoever with any adventure except, the fiffi..
ing for whales..
It is Angular enough that one of'the nobleft ports in England*
whether it be confidered in point of fituation, commanding, at
all times, a free and fpeedy communication with Ireland and
the Weftern Ocean,, and favourable for diftribution of merchandize,
or regarded as to the conveniencies it poffeffes as a port
and harbour, fliould fo totally have been neglefted by the Bri-
tiih legiflature, that when the families above mentioned, firft.
fettled there, the place did not afford them a Angle houfe for
their reception. At this moment, by the removal of artificial
obftruftions and the unremitting attention of Mr. Greville, there
is a town, with fuitable proteftions of batteries, and two volunteer
companies; a dock-yard in which three King’s fhips are
now building, a quay, and eftablifhments of the different tradeC-
men-and artificers, which a fea-port neceffarily requires. Having
proceeded thus far,, there can be. little doubt that, in the
courfe of half a century, it may clafs among the greateft of the
I mention this circumftanee as a ftriking inftance, to fhew the
importance of the South Sea Fifhery, and as a proof that, contrary
to the generally received opinion, it may be carried on by
fkill and management, and without the adventitious aid of trading,
fo as fully to anfwer the purpofe of thole who are properly qualified
to embark in the undertaking. For where men, by in-
duftry in their profeffion, rife from fmall beginnings into affluence,
fuch profeffion may be followed with a greater certainty
of fuccefs than many others which appear to hold out more fe-
ducing profpefts. The American fifhermen never fet out with
a capital, but invariably work themfelves into one; and the South
Sea Fifhery from England may fucceed on the fame principle,
as the above example clearly fhews, under every difadvantage,
when properly conducted.
It is difficult to point out the grounds of juftice or policy
in giving tonage bounties to the Greenland Fifhery, and only
premiums to fuccefsful adventurers in the Southern Fifhery.
A voyage: