Brought over 7256
Slave men - - 7211
Slave women - - 3411
Slaves and people of colour 81
Slaves 10,703
To thefe may be added, Hottentots in the white
_ diftrid, about - - - 5000
Total population of Stellenbolch and Drakenfteia 22,959
Stock and Produce.
Horfes - - - 22,661
Horned cattle . . . 59,567
Sheep - - - 4 5 1 >695
Wine plants - - - 11,500,000
Leggers of wine in 1797 - - 7914
Muids of corn - - 77,063
of barley - - - 32*872
«— — of rye - - - 2053
Quantity of land under cultivation in vineyards and grain,
19,573 morgen, or 39,146 Engliih acres.
D i s t r i c t 01 Z w e l l e n d a m .
The diftrid of Zwellendam is that trad of country which
lies upon the fea-coaft between the Breede River on the weft,
3 -and
and Camtoos River on the eaft, and extends northerly to the
fécond chain of mountains called the Zwarte Berg or Black
Mountains. Its length is about 380, and breadth 60, miles,
comprehending an area of 19,2.00 fquare miles, which is occupied
by 480 families, fo that each family, on an average,
has forty fquare miles of land. This is more than four times
the quantity affigned to each loan-farm by the Government.
Except in the drofdy the whole diftrid is compofed of loan-
lands, and may be confidered to confift of the following di-
vili.ons 4
1. The Drofdy or Village o f Zwellendam.
2. The Country between the, Drofdy andGauritz River, named
according to the rivçrs that crofs it.
3. Congo.
4. Zwarte Berg.
5. Trada.
6. Mojfel Bay.
7. Autiniequas Land.
8. Plettenberg’s Bay.
9. Olifant's River.
10. Kamnaafie.
11. Lange Kloof,
12. Sitfikanma.
i. The Drofdy o f Zwellendam is fituated at the foot of the
firft chain of mountains that runs eaft and weft or parallel to the
fea-coaft, and is diftant from Cape Town about one hundred
and forty miles. It is compofed o f about thirty houfes,
3 A * teredi