They are fubjedt to no tythes nor church-rates whatfoever,
towards the maintenance of the clergy; thefe being paid in the
moft liberal manner out of the treafury of Government. Nor
is any demand made upon them for the fupport of the poor.
The very few that, through age or infirmities, are unable to
maintain thetnfelves, are fupported out of the fuperfluities of
the church. Where the mere articles’ of eating and drinking
are fo reafonably procured as in the Gape, it is no great degree
of charity for the rich to fupport their poor relations, and, ac?
eordingiy, it is the common praftice pf the country. Thofe
who corue under the denomination of poor are, for the moft
part, emancipated Haves, who may not have the benefit pf filch
fplations. hjpr does the church provide for fuch on uncertain
grounds. Every P.erfon manumitting a Have muft pay to the
church fifty rix dollars or, ten pounds, and at the fame time, give
fecurity that fueh Have lhall not become burdenfome to the
church for a certain nutnb^ojf yea,rs.
The police of the Town is committed to. the management of
a boa^d confifting of % burghers, called the Burgher Senate.
The fundtions of this, board are various apd important, but they
are performed in that carelefs and floveifiy manner, which is
ever die cafe where men. are compelled to, afipept an office to
which there is anpexed neither pay riqr e,molument. The only
exception that I know of is in tire fituation- of an.E^ugjiffi, juftice
pf peace. In, every public employment of a permanent naturp,
like that of the Burgher Senate, if the emoluments, are not fuch
as to make it worth a man’s while to keep his place, the odds
âfé gréât that the duties of it will be negledted. This was the
rock upon which the Dutch, in all their Eaft India feulements,
fplit. The appointments of their fervants were fo fmall, that
thofe who held them could not live without cheating their employers;
and this was carried on to fuch an extent, as to become
a common obfervation that, in proportion as the Company’s
finances were impoveriihed, their fervants were enriched.
Thé bufmefs of the Burgher Senate conflits in feeing that the
flreels be kept clean and in proper repair; that no nuiiance be
thrown into the public avenues leading to the town ; that no
encroachments be made on public property; that no diforderly
houfes be fuffered fo remain ; no impofitions pradtifed on the
public; no falfe weights nor meafurés ufed. They are authorized'to
regulate the prices of bread; to enquire from time
tb time into the ftate of the harveft ; and to take precautions
againft a fcarcity of corn. They are to devife'meafures and
fuggeft plans to Government that may feem proper and effedtive,
for keeping up-a confiant fuecèfflon'of coppice wood for fuel:
in the Cape diftridt. They are diredted to take particular care;
that’ the tradefmen o f the town, and more éfpécially the fmiths
and Cartwrights; impede not on the country boors in the prices,
of utenfils’neceffary for carrying on the bufmefs of agriculture.
They are to report fuch crimes,'trefpalfes, and mifdemeanors, as.
ctitne within their knowledge,' to' thé Fifcal, who is' the Chief
Magiftrate' of'ttíe polieej and A'ttorhey-Géneral Of the colony.
It would be in vain to expedt that fiidh various and important
duties ihould be faithfully fulfilled, for a number of years without