The firft coft of his
eftate was R?D. 15,000
15 Slaves a 300 Rd.
each 4>5QO
80 Wine leggers a 12 960
Implements for preffing,
diftilling, &e. 500
3 Team of oxen 500
2 Waggons - , 80a
Horfe-waggon, and
team 900
Furniture, utenfils, 8tc. 2000
Amount 25,160 Intereft 6 per cent. R. D. 1509 5
3 Sheep per week for family ufe, 156 per year, a 21 Rd. 390 o
Clothing 1 5 Haves a 15 Rd. each per year - 225 o
Corn for bread 36 muids a 3 Rd. - - 108 o
Tea, coffee, and fugar - - - 1 5 0 0
Clothing for. the family and contingencies - ' , 3 50 o
Duty at the barrier on 120 leggers of wine and brandy 360 o
Wear and tear j o q Rd. parochial affeffments 20 1 2 0 .0
Amount of outgoings carried over 3212 5
Amount of outgoings brought over R. D. 3212 5
100 Leggers of wine brought to market a 30 3000
20 Ditto of brandy ditto a 50 - - 1000
The wine and brandy fold to the country
boors, with the fruit- and poultry brought
to the Cape market, are more than fufficient
to balance every other contingent and extraordinary
Amount o f returns 4000 4000
Balance in favour of the farmer R. D. 787 3
or £- *57 8 3
which fum may be confidered as a net annual profit, after
every charge on the farm and on houfekeeping has been defrayed.
The payment of an eftate purchafed is made eafy to the pur-
chafer. The cuftomary conditions are to pay by three inftal-
ments, one-third ready money, one-third in one year, and the
remaining third at the end of the fecond year; and the latter
two-thirds bear no intereft. And even the firft inftalment he
can borrow of Government, through the loan bank, by giving
the eftate as a mortgage and two fufficient fecurities. So that
3 very
l i