than that of enriching the individuals concerned, by the plunder
of cattle belonging to the harmlefs natives, the Britifh government
thought it expedient, in order to demonftrate its readinefs to
attend to the interefts of the colonifts, to take into confidera-
tion the ftate of the cafe, being aware at the fame time of the
danger of entrufting any commiffion of fuch a nature to the
Dutch peafantry. The difturbahces raifed by the boors on the
borders of the Kaffer country difcouraged any attempt to open
a traffic with this nation, but accounts of an imperfeCt nature
were entertained, that a nation called the Briequas, or more
properly, as it feems, the Bojhuanas, about fixteen days’ journey
to the northward of the Orange River, were likely to fur-
niffi the neceffary fupply; and as this journey, over an unbeaten
trail, could not fail to be productive of novelty, and might fur-
nifh new objeds of curiofity, Mr. Triiter, member of the Court
-of Juitice, and Mr. Somerville, the garrifon furgeon, were immediately
pointed out as two gentlemen poffeffing in every re-
fpea the proper qualifications for undertaking fuck an expedition.
' Mr. Triiter had been a fervant of the Dutch Eaft India
Company for more than thirty years, during which period he
bore an irreproachable character ; and the Engliffi governm'ent
is not lefs indebted to the zeal and fidelity with which he continued,
more from principle than expeaation of emolument
which he did not want, to perform the laborious duties of a
member of the Court of Juftice, during the feven years it held
poffeffion of the Cape. To an open and generous difpofition
he adds the moft fcrupulous exa&nefs in all tranfaaions between
man and man. His temper is cheerful, his heart benevolent,
and the turn of his mind ftrongly inclined to acquire knowledge.
ledge. Of Mr. Somerville it is fufficient to fay he is a Briton,
a charaaer far beyond the reach of any calumny that an African
Dutchman can invent; and as the public, it is to be hoped,
will be gratified with his account of the expedition, f leave it
to him to defend bimfelf and companions againft a charge
which nothing but inherent falfehood and diabolical malevolence,
and their own infatiable thirft after human blood, could
have conceived. It was on this expedition thefe two gentlemen
met with Mr. Kicherer, a regular bred minifter of the
reformed church of the United Provinces, who, on their return,
embarked for Holland; Mr. Somerville ffiortly afterwards for
England, and Mr. Triiter remained behind, where he became
the objeCt of their brutal malice, in revenge, I fuppofe, for
having found it expedient on their journey to difcharge and
turn away the eight or ten boors that accompanied them, for
their idle, diforderly, and thieviffi conduit. For the atrocious
murder of the poor wretches whom famine, in all probability,
had driven to aik relief of the pitilefs fpoilers of their native
land, it were greatly to be wiffied that divine wrath would ma-
nifeft itfelf among the brutal perpetrators by fome fignal calamity,
finee neither human laws nor human feelings can reftrain
them. If this account ihould have reached the knowledge of
the Commander in Chief o f the fettlement, which no doubt it
muft have done, I have to hope, from his humane and truly benevolent
difpofition, he will have put in execution the benignant
fentiments I have heard him utter in favour of the unprotected
Hottentots. * If the life of a fingle child be taken away, and
“ the murderer not brought to legal punilhment, I fhall feel
v o l . 11. i “ myfelf