', The quantity pf Conftantia wine exported in four fucceflive
years was,
Years* Half Aums. Y aliie."
In 1799 15.7 11 »7 52
1800 188 14,07°
1801 1 7 3 ' i 3,°°7
1802 210 7A5
In four years 728. 54o °4 R-M
The beft bodied wine, that is made at th.e Çaçc», w. the Ma*
deira, confiderable quantities of which were ufually font to
Holland and to the Dutch fettlements in India. The Americans,.
alfo, have taken fmall quantities, of late years, in exchange for.
ftav.es, a trade that feenjs fufceptible of very confiderable augmentation.
The Engliih merchants at the Cage have made up
cargoqs of the. different forts, of wines, both to the Eaft and the
\Veft, Indies^ and. they, have been tried in the northern nations
of Europe. But they. uniyerMy complain th^t the winps fel-
doçn. agree with th,e they foequçntly turnfour e
fo,little regard for, reputation haye. the Koopmen,of the Cape,.
Çoqfiqed t f th iso%°t fWE? ‘heir birth,, they have had, little op-
¿fy f r i 'V °*i fr0“! eduçatlon. and none.from travel*
andjarp cop^quepdy. ig.nojant of the nature of foreign trade.
Ifoheir widUSiarg oqçe on board ihip, they conclude there is.an.
end. ofithe, traqfa^tiqq, ançî, if previouJl]r fold, whether they arrive
in good or bad condition, is no concern qf theirs.
The country boor, having rib furplus ftock of cafks, is under
the neceflity of felling to the merchant in the towh his new
wine ; and here it is mixed and adulterated in a variety of
ways. The pipe is called a legger, and contains 8 half-aums or
160 gallons, and each legger pays to Government a duty, on
entering the town, of three rix dollars. The price paid to the
farmer is generally from 20 to 30 rix dollars the legged, which,
after adulteration, is fold again frOm 40 to 60 rix dollars, and
frequently at the rate of 80 td too rix dollars.
The article of brandy might bfecome a very important commodity
in the export trade of this fettlement, provided the cultivators
of the vine were inflrüâed in, -and would take the
trouble of, carrying thé manu fatture of it to that ftate of im-
provement of which it is fufceptible. Ar prefont they have nò
proper diftillatory apparatus,! nor knowledge io condirà thofe
which they have. The filth that is ufually thrown into the ftill
with the refufe of the Wines, is difguftirig ; and the impèrfett
procefs is not fufficlent to deftroy the extraneous and difagreeable
tafte communicated by the loathfome materials. Ttfis fpirit has
been tried in the Eaft Indies, but- it feettfs they give thè preference
to arrack. If diftilled with proper cate; and Under pros
per management, k might become a: vâîuafe ârtièle for thè
navy ; and wohld, rio dóùbty firicT p ibtfrfak ni bbftfiVOrfh arici
•South America.' Bhm'dy is' exported at '8b td 16b rìsi dòllari
thè- legge/, and is fobpett fo' the fatfrè toil’, Util é titering the tOWri,'
as wines. And both wine and' brandy arfe diablef tó’ a' ftffthtt1
duty of 5 rix dollars the legger on exportation. The following
table foews the quantity of wines and brandy that paffed the
p p 2 barrier,