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We doffed the mountains, over the Attaquas Pafs; eh the
18th of March, and entered the Lange'Kloof or Long Valley;
very properly fo called, being a flip of level ground, from a
mile-to two miles in width, and about one hundred and fifty
miles in length, hemmed in between two high ridges of mountain's.
Here we met with, at almoft every farm, an excellent
vineyard of the Mufcatef and Perfian grape, both at this time
fully ripe 5 we obferved alfo extenfive plantations of tobacco,
and a variety of fruit1 trees'. The oranges were large ' and remarkably
good. Notwithftanding the great plenty; and the good
quality of the grapes; the inhabitants made little'wine, and that
little was execrably bad. The diftance, indeed, from'a market,
and the badnefs of the roads,'hold out little encouragement to the
farmer, either for extending the quantity or improving the quality
of this article. Raifins,' being a more tranfportable commodity,
are more the objeCt of their attention than wine. The
making of thefe requires a very fimple procefs. The bunch of
grapes is firft immerfed in a ftrong folution of wood aihes, and
afterwards laid uponJa ftage covered with rufh matting, until it
be thoroughly dried. The bruifed grapes, the undergrowings,
the ftalks and exprefled hufks, with the lees or dregs of new
wine, are thrown together into large veflels until they ferment,
and are then diftilled into a fort of brandy. From traih like
this is moft of the ardent fpirit manufactured which is fold in
the Cape under the name of Brandewytt, and which, from its
cheapnefs and bad quality, not only poifons the bodies, but alfo
corrupts the morals of the lower orders of the town, and the
country farmers.