Poft ion, geographical, o f the Cape - -
\ with refpedt to other countries 243
favourable to commerce with the
Ea ft 244
/V uw jo f Europe, dange r th a t threatens
th em 201
Precedency, ftruggle for between two
> ladies 106
Preneufe, French frigate 86
Prießsy em ig ran t, infamous condudt o f 11
Pringle y M r., his experiment in m aking
wine - - 72
A dm ira l, opinion o f relpedting
mooring-chains 255
Privileges g ran ted t'o th e E a ft Ind ia
Company 149
Produce o f the Cape for exportation - 283
Property frequently changes hands 384
Provisionsy moderate prices o f 169
fa it - - . 237
Punijhment inflidted on th e boors 96
Refleäions on miffionaries o f the gofpel
Rejoicings a t the Cape, on th e furr ender,
not violent ' - T39
Religion o f th e Cape 426
Retreat o f the iea partial 67
Revenue, public, heads and amount
o f 411 * 4*9
Rhinofceros, African - . - 125
Rice, L ieu ten an t, furveys o f - 24
Riou, Captain, map o f - *7 River, Endlefs - 5»
beds of funk deep - 6O
Camtoos appearance o f the country
near - «S
thofe o f th e Cape enumerated - . 333
Robben Ifland - — . 2 5 s
Rochette, de la, map o f - 17 Rock in Falfe Bay difcovered I 258
Rogge Bay battery 208
th e beft landing place - 2H
Q _
Saint Helena, a dangerous point to our
Quit-rents, w h a t - - 382 In d ian trad e - _ 248
inadequate.to the fupply o f convoys
Saint Helena Bay - _
Salt, an inexhauftible fu n d o f near A i-
2 63
R goa Bay - _ _
provifions, cured a t th e Cape
Rank, inhabitants o f th e Cape te n a Savages,
not always averfe to labour 48
cious o f - . - *05 Sceptre m an o f war, lofs o f 257
Raifins, inore transportable th a n wine 71 Sea gaining, on th e lan d in South
Ration, expence o f a t th e Cape 169 A fric a . - - 64
Rattlefnake engages the Preneuib 86 voyages unfavourable to p romp t
Red Sea, dangerous navigation o f *93 aftion . . . . 160
Recruits, fate o f when fent to In d ia Seamen o f F rance, Holland, and E n g direct
- - * 161 lan d ^ . . . 224
Seamen—* PAGE Stellefibofch— PAGE
promotion o f by fiiheries 3*3 population and produce o f 361
Secretary o f governor Janfen’s account Storms, on L ’A gui lias Bank ?35
o f th e b ’oors - • 4°4 Strelit%ia ... - 82
Settlement o f the Cape n o t expenfive 176 Stuurman Klas, a H o tten to t chief 94
Sheep, broad tailed 237 reafoning o f on their prefent conShells,
no proof o f the prefence o f the dition ..; - - - n o
fea - - 66 Suez., remark concerning th e ifthmus of 68
Shell-fijh, carried inland by birds . - ^7 difficulties o f fending an expedition
Ships cleared out at th e Cape in four „ from - - J93
years - - 181 Suffrein, advantages derived by a t th e
of w a r belonging to the Du tch 218 Cape - - - 152
mo rtality o f in thofe o f the Du tch 226 maintained his g round in In d ia by
eafily deftroyed in t h e ’bays o f the th em - 238
Cape ' - 253 Sunda, Straits of, dangerous to our
Shoemaker** Hocu*l, defcription o f 44 trad e - 246
Simon’s Bay - *58 Sweet Milk’s Valley - - 46
Skins, an article o f export 294
Slaves, puniihment o f for murder- 42
preferred to Hottentots 49
vices infeparable from th e cdudition T
o f - - - 108
proportion o f to whites r45 Fable Mountain, ihells found on 67
Small-pox, whence derived 122 once .ikirted with trees 74
Soap, from tra in -o il - - 296 anchor found on , - . 80
an d candles made a t the Cape — 301 mineral productions on th e fide o f 82
Soils, n atu re o f - 327 Fable Bay, inconveniences o f 2>5
Somerville and Frutir, expedition o f to Fulleyrand an d his miftrefs - - 240
th e Booihuanas 55 ■Famus Elepbantipes 83
South America, trad e to from the Cape 27.8 Faxes o f the inhabitants - 388
" condition o f th e inhabitants o f - 279 Tenures o f lan d - 379
South & aF iih e ry - 3 ‘7 Theory o f fprings in South A fric a - - 61
a t the Cape - 3*9 Fobacco produced in th e Cape 306
Sparmannia, nea r Plettenberg’s Bay 82 Fopographical defcription o f the Cape 324
Springs, fcarcity o f explained 6o Forture ufed by the D u tch - 92
Squadron, expenditure o f a t the Cape 241 Frade o f th e Mediterranean 192
State o f th e Cape fince th e furrender 311 to In d ia and China 239
Statijlical iketch o f the Cape colony 324 o f the E a ft In d ia Company 276
Stellenbo/ch. and Drakenjiein, diftridt o f 347 Traders under Britiih capitals 2.79
drofdy a n d divifions o f 3+8 Trees, fcarce in the Cape 43
3 ' Trial