not the trouble of fowing any. The bofch bot and pigmy antelope
áre common in this diftridt; and buffaloes and rhi-
nofcerofes haunt the thickets upon the banks of the Great Fifh
All the difturbances of Graaf Reynet have originated in this
divifion. Its proximity to the Kaflers held out an irrefiftible
temptation to the boors to wage war againft them for the fake
of plundering them of their cattle; yet none of the boors are in
better circumftances than thofe of Bruyntjes Hoogté. The very
man who was mod a£tive in promoting a Kafi'er war, according
to his Opgaaff, had between 800 and 900 head of Cattle, and
more than 8o o q fheep, all of which, in their late difturbances
with the Kaflers, he very defervedly loft.
5. Camdebdo extends along the feet of the Snowy Mountains,
from the drofdy to Bruyntjes Hoogte, and is chiefly compofed
of Karroo plains, which, however, are extremely fertile in the
chafms down which the ftreams of the mountains conftantly
flow. The oxen are large and ftrotjg, and the fheep little inferior
to thofe of the Snowy Mountains. The beautiful animal
the gtioo is frequently feen bounding over the plains of Cam-
deboo, and fpringboks and hartebeejls are very plentiful.
6. Zwarte Ruggens is a rough ftoney trail of country to the
fouthward of Camdeboo, very fcantily fupplied with water, and
producing little except fucculent plants, among which are two
or three fpecies of euphorbia. Few families are found in this
divifion, but here and there in the neighbourhood of the Sunday
River, which runs through it. The cattle and fheep are
fmall, but generally in good condition, notwithftanding the apparent
fcarcity, I might almoft fay total abfence, of grafs.
7. Zwarte Kop's River is a fertile and extenfive divifion,
lying to the fouthward of the Zwarte Ruggens, and is capable
of producing an abundant fupply of grain, convenient to be delivered
at a trifling expence at the bay, which we have already
had occafion to notice. About fifteen miles to the weftward of
the bay are large forefts of timber trees, near which there is
every appearance of a rich mine of lead, as I particularly noticed
in the former volume. I had occafion alfo to fpeak of
the fait lake near the bay, and the plentiful fupply of that article
which it produces. Wax from the myrica cerifera and
aloes might be furnifhed by this divifion as articles of commerce.
8. Zuure Veldt is an extenfive plain country ftretching from
the Sunday River in Zwart Kop’s Bay to the Great Fifh River,
and is the fame kind of good arable or pafture land as the plains
of the Autiniquas divifion in Zwellendam, but it is now exclu-
fively in the pofleffion of the Kaffers, from whom, indeed, it
was originally taken forcibly by the boors. The great chafms
towards the fea-coafl, that are filled with thickets, abound in
elephants and buffaloes ; and in the Great Fifh River are occa-
fionally, at leaft, a few of the hippopotamus or river horfe.