-their ftock. Eor every hundred iheep he pays a florin, or fixteen-
pence, and for every ox or cow one penny.. With the utmoft difficulty
Government has been able to colle£t about two-thirds annually
of the rent of their loan-farms, which is only 24 rix dollars
a year. Under the idea that they had been dreadfully opprefled
by the Dutch Government, and that their poverty was the foie
caufe of their running in arrears with their rent, the Britiih
Government forgave the diftrict of Graaf Reynet the fum of
200,poo rix dollars, the amount to which their arrears had accumulated.
By deicending a little clofer to particulars we- ihal!
be able to form a better judgment of the condition of thefe people,
and how far their poverty entitled them to the above mentioned
The diftridt of Graaf Reynet, as we have already obferved,
contains about 700 families. Among thefe are diftributed, according
to the Opgaaff (and they would not give in more than
they had, being liable to an afleflment according to the number)
118,306 head of cattle, and 780,274 iheep, which, to
,each family, will be about 170 heads of cattle and 1115
Out of this ftock each boor can yearly difpofe of from 1 c to
20 head of cattle, and from 200 to 250 iheep, and, at the fame
time, keep up an increafing ftock. The butcher purchafes them
on the fpot at the rate of 10 to 20 rix dollars a head for the
cattle, and from 2 to 2| for the Iheep.
3 Suppofe
Suppofe then each farmer to fell annually,
15. Head of cattle a 12 Rd. - R. D. 180
220 Sheep a 2 Rd. - - 440
A waggon load of butter and foap 1200
pounds a i s. - - 300
Amount of his income R.D. 920 o
2 Waggons 800 Rd. Iutereft - R. D. 48
Clothing for 8 perfons a 15 Rd. 120
Tea, fugar, tobacco, brandy - ■ 150
Powder and (hot - 20
Rent to Government and ftamp 2J
Parochial afleffments - - 8
Contingencies, cattle to Hottentots, &c. 80
Amount of Outgoings R. D. 451 • o
Yearly Savings R.D. 469 o
or £ . 93 16 o
In what part of the world can even a refpedtable peafant do
this ? much lefs the commoneft of all mankind, for fuch are the
generality of the Cape boors. After quitting the ranks, or run-
VOL. II. 3 c ning