expended in any one year, in the military .department, at the
Cape of Good Hope. The year I ihall take is from May 1797
to May 1798, when the garrifon was ftrongeft ; oonfifting of
The 8th 7[■ jL-ig hut nDragoons.
The 84*1
86th I Infantry.
9 lft \
. ‘Scotch Brigade J
In that year the eftimate was made up according to-the following
extrait :
1. Subfiftence of the non-commilEoned officers
and privates of the two regiments of dragoons
and four regiments of infantry, for one
year, according to the new rate of payment,,
deduiting for rations and hofpital charges, 55,729 2 6
.2. Clothing and-contingent expences for ditto, 28,133 13 2
3. Full pay o f the commiffioned officers of two
regiments of dragoons, and four regiments
of infantry for one year, according to the
lateft regulations, - 43’®®71 4 8
4. Staff officers and hofpital eftabliihment of
one infpeitor, two phyficians, one purveyor,
Tour furgeons, two apothecaries, and nine
hofpital mates, - - 2 6
Carried forward £ . 138,708 12 10
Brought forward £ . 138,708 12. 10
5. Commiirary-General’s department, including
engineers, which alone amounts to
17,225/. i6r. ¡d . - - 107,794 10 IT
6. Ordnance '4 department, including artillery
expences, - - - 18,536 14 4
7. Deputy Quarter-Mafter General’s Department,
including lodging money to officers,
which amounts to about 4000/. and bat
and forage for 200 days about 6000 /. in
the whole - - - 25,000 o o
Total amount of one yearrs expence £ . 290,039 18 1
Qrr we may, perhaps, be able to come ftill nearer the truth
fey taking the total expenditure of the whole feven years, thus
Amount of bills drawn by the Deputy
Paymafter-General for paper and fpecie,.
for the pay and fubfiftence of the non-
commiffioned officers and privates, and for
the extraosdiaaries of the army for feven
years • — 1,045,814 14 1
Specie imported and bought (about) - 111,000 o o
Clothing and contingent expences at the rate
as above fpecified per year - - 196,935 12 2
Full pay of the commiffioned officers o f fix
regiments,-as above, for feven years 3°5,®74 2 S
Ordnance department for feven years - 129,757 ° 4
Total amount £ . 1,789,181 9 3