Fjjhery at thë' Gapê granted to a company
c -general advantages refulting from
ànimal, reflëxidifô'ôn '
Whreighers not difplëafed to fee the Cape
hn Ehgirffr fettlement -1
Forejls near the Knyfna" - i
. ? fee port» defire o f thé Düt'ch Wnîiïce''
the Capë one -■
*r aanger'bffeich a*nhéaïu1rè 1 ! -
wrench, affiduitÿ ¿ f mFofeigHVoiintrres
p r o o f s ‘bf f ft 'Cochm-Gbmk :i ‘ ■■ - --
; advantages of over the Englrfli in
.China - - 'lju *** 3
. influence or at the“Cape J 5‘ ^
. avoid any difcuipon about the'Ckpb
ïnotives for .overtürpin^ oü'r Indian ‘
empire « * - v
re fu lto f their,aggrandizement -
averfe to long voyages rT '
_ ‘.confider .the Çapê as preferapJe" to
Ceylon r . - -
, .polipy of keeping them out of. India
Fruits dried for exportation
Fuel for working iron ores at Hëttën-
berg's Bay - _ -
•p a g e
GWwr, Colónel, his opinion: of the ex-
297 tent of Kaffer-land 5o -p.v
3 14 Government faves -by the rations atitlfe
113 Vv! Capé^i.: -.Cl bnxi 4?k>cfaa!fe3<
knd*by. other circumftancss hasîbv
'-23-3 0 revenues o f - ; - ? ''v _ ü ' i.j
76 Graaf Reynef; money circulated in by*
thè troops;Ou bpi • s.sv.' ' r <**»
155 the ÆIM&hM d ir io n s ©fto ^ ¿ d a
¿69 * population and produce of Jua.'ti
5 ■’Grain, prodhéè o fh t thè Chpè' - • r
Xt Gratuity lands - - Le : -;
GraziWs, Condition of* avholian-:
I(ifingular inftance of the inhumhnit^
p s ■ ofauGoiV,
Greeks; dahgeiu©F giving dibérty -te -at
ótóce ; -t- 10 i---L fiQo r,'iobiJi£|
'Greenland fifhery, how carried on*'
Green Faint, obfefvklrOfts'' on. - _
GïeviUe, Right Hon. Charles, encbur-
*■ " ages thé South Sea Eifflery -
Grofvenor Indiamknj pròfeàblé éaüfe oF-
^ s the lb fe o f ‘ l1 ’ * ' ' ' - 1 - ’ ; - Sto » _
2 25:
- '4*4
79 H
Gaika, quarrel between and Congo 112
Gardenia Tbunbergia • - 82
Garrifon of the Cape, now embarrafiect ^
ftrength of the Dutch at the furrender
- - - ;2i5
Geographical pofition of the Cape' - 2 if 2
German foldiers !, " V “ ro i
Gordon’s Bay, importance o f - -39
Harboìtd, mcfgbod ©riè a t the Capte
Heàlthìnifs o f t he Cape exemplified -
with fèjgkrd tb feahren ' ' - *.
Wealth, appearance of a tfk e Cape -
Hermann, thè Ruflìan'COÌumh3òf*ùUt itb’
pieces - -
Hernhuters, eftabliihment of
Hides and ikins, articles of export
Hippopotamus, a name ill applied to the
~" . animal' " : - Ul" £( **;>
Hot ham, t^àptàhi Ìfkvé^d^eCotitìtèfslof-
Shtherland Indiaman
tm rr mm 447
Hoetjes Bay, advantages of - - 259 India not favourable for training re-
Hogs fcarcely known. ^s food in the > cruits : f r - - 161
Cape - - - 300 opinion refpedting our empire in - 189
Hor/es¡Jhodhy a deafand dumb perfon 84 as eaiily reached by Bonaparte as
Hot fprihg of the^ Cardouw - - 356 Alexander - ' 196
;pf Brandt Valley - - . 9 360 Indian { t ^ commanded by the C ape, 238
in Zwellendam - - 3,64 Ingenuity, inftance of in a deaf and
of hepatized water in the Snowy dumb perfon _ _
Mountains - - 373 Inhabitants of Cape Town - a J02
Hottentots..Holland’s Kloof. • , - - 39 condition of - - - 385
;of the Moravian-eftabliihment - 47 JohnJlon, Commodore, objeft of his exflaves
preferred to by the, eoloniils 49 pedition _ ' _ iko
corps of, their charafler - 50 Irijh, a tall brawney people - 113
fteady conduCt of - 107 Iron ores near Piettenberg’s Bay - yo
retaliate on the boors - - 95 native, iron maffes of- _ _ 80
’•cruelties ©f the boors againft - 96 Ijlhmus-oi the-Cape^ component parts
gratitude of ■ ' 4- , i: ■ -■ 108 of , _ - 64
murder of by a boor - - 132 ihells found on . - 55
corps of refufe to take fervice with of Suez, remark b n - „ gg
the Dutch - - 218 Judicature, C ourt of - - 90
.one -of thefe people forced by the . Jurifprudence, fyftem of r-: - _ ^ 2Q
hoors to eat a piece^of r p fleih Jttfltcey retributive, ftriking inftance o f 100
c cut out of-his thigh - - - 406 , how- admini&ered' betwden a white 1
Hout Bay - - ■; \ l , j . 2TI < / and a bdadr, ■ ^ „ ¿1Q
ivory, aniaiticle:of eKport;ition - 3©^
; ?• - - 1 -!' - _ > ___ n r . T
:'T ;:kr-
Jacobini/m, principles of, embraced at
the Cape - - . - 143 Kajfer chiefs,; *chapa<fter b f 'l" - 1 1 12
‘Impediments thrown in -tlie way b f' t ie ' ' feature o f . . - ” * T ' 113
Cape - - - *'267 probably 6 f Ara^iq'brigin ' * ' '1‘ i1j6
Importance firft attached t©'the Cape’ ' ' '14^ ' extent o f country occupied t y • g,
‘ as a”military feation _ _ _ ' - Baroloqs».^ tribe o f " - 1’ - 119.
4 -)ds a naval ftatioh ” - 2v2 i \ ' '¿hildren aiid'dogs o f “ “ _ ' -. ,12©
’ ' as a feat of comriitrbe, & c . ' - 2 6 5 ' J marked with'me imali pox . ' ' - j ¿ 1
Imports to the Cape “ - '7_ . -' 308 ¿ttack the. Britilh t r o o p s *. B a
Improvements {uggeiUd r '. - . 4 3 0 conduaofohe ihot thrbugh the DofeyUu i 28
u. vr' ^ ‘ ^ Kajev