' i ,
^ 1
't J
twice and nearly a h a lf as long as the width a t the notch ;
the triangular impression ju s t to the line of tho hindcrmost
te e th ; tee th slender, subcylindrical, acute, about five
in an inch ; p alate nearly f l a t ; lower jaw ra the r produced
and rounded in front.
In hab. W. Africa, Capt. W. T. W . Owen, R. N. Mus.
United Service In st.
Skull, length entire
„ o fn o se
„ o flow e rjaw
W id th a t th e notch
„ a t the orbit
Tee th ................................
18-0 17-6
10-3 10-3
14 9 14-3
4-6 4-3
8-6 7-6
This species is very like D. Euphrosyne, b u t is ra the r
smaller and th e beak ra th e r shorter : it may prove only a
T h e E u p h r o s y n e . De lphinus Euphrosyne.
T ab . 22. Skull.
Skull round, ra th e r flattened behind ; nose ra the r broad
and ra the r tapering in front, depressed, flat a t th e base,
shelving on the sides and rounded in the middle above,
ab o u t h a lf as long again as th e head, or 4 the entire
length, and 24 times th e length o f the width a t th e notch ;
teeth 45, slender, elongate, slightly curved, acute.
In h ab . - Skull, Mus. Norwich.
Skull, length, entire,....
.... 18-6 inches & lines.
.... 7-4
.... 11-3
... 1 6 0
.... 9-6
„ o f head, ...........
„ o f nose, ..........
„ o flow e rjaw ,
„ o f tem p l e ,..........
W id th of notch, ..........
„ a t middle of beak,
T h e intermaxillaries are convex and rounded above,
with a wide groove between them for h a lf their length in
\ a r . R a th e r smaller. Skull in British Museum only
differs from th e one a t Norwich in being ra th e r smaller in
all its dimensions. This and the former species are very
like Z>. Me tis, but are ra the r broader an d ra the r more
d ep re s sed ; the intermaxillaries are ra the r more convex,
especially behind, and form a regular defined front edge to
th e triangle, which is rough in front, and marked with ob lique,
cross grooves, while in D. Metis, the triangle is
furnished with an acute, raised margin on each side in
Skull in M u s . Col. Surgeons (Delphinus Delphis, Cat.
Mus. Col. Surg. 161, n. 1117), with the p alate convex, not
grooved on the side ; intermaxillary and vomer forming
p a rt o f th e pala te ; tee th 44 .
Skull, L ength, entire, ............ 16'0 inches.
„ o f nose, ............... 10
„ o flow e rjaw , .... 1 3 3
W id th a t n otch, ............. 3-6 : obtained from
th e Leverian Museum in 1806. May be another variety.
Dauphin a pe tit pectoral, Voy. Pole S u d , t. 21, / . 2, t.
23,y; 7, 8, not described.
Skull in Mus. Paris. P alate flat, ra th e r convex behind ;
triangle extended ra th e r in front o f the teeth line.
Tee th 44 ; nose narrowed in front, 4 the lengih aud
2| times the length of the breadth a t the notch ; lower jaw
slender in front ; nasal ra th e r high and convex. Is th is a
Steno ?
D. dubius, Cuv. P. A. i. 288. F. Cuv. Mam . L ith . t.
Cetac. 154. A n n . Mus. xix. 14.
Nose depressed, like D. D elphis, b u t ra th e r shorter ; the
teeth small and sharp, 44? thin, pointed.
Inhab. Coast of France.
I found three skulls under this name in the P aris Museum.
1. “ D. dubius, Cuv. n. 10.” Mtis. Paris.
Sknll, length 15-3, o f beak lO'O, width a t notch 2 ‘9, at
middle of beak 1 7 ; teeth 44 or 44 ; p alate flat, ra th e r
co n v ex ; lower jaw flat, obliquely iu front and keeled in
front beneath.
2. “ D. dubius, Cuv. n. 2.” Mus. Paris.
Skull, length 16-6, o fb e a k lO'O, o f tee th line 8 -6, width
a t notch 3-8, a t middle o f beak T 7 4 ; tee th 44 or small,
h o o k ed ; p alate flat, ra th e r convex ; beak tapering in fi-ont,
refiexed before the notch, intermaxillaries ra th e r convex;
triangle extending ra the r in front o f the tee th line, rugose
in front.
3. “ D. dubius, Cuv. 71. 7.” Mus. Paris.
Skull, from the Cape de Verds, length 16-0, o fb e a k 9-4,
o f teeth line 7-6, width at notch 3-74, a t middle of beak
1-4; teetli 44 -4 4 ; ü-iangle scarcely extended in front of
th e teeth-line ; palate fla t; lower jaw oblique, compressed
and flat on the sides, ra the r tm-ned up a t th e tip ; inter-
maxillaries convex behind, nose taperiug in front.
This last is perhaps D. frontalis, Dussum. Cuv. R . A. i
“ Black, belly white, with a lead-coloured band from
angle of mouth to pectoral.
In hab. Cape Verd.”
** S k u ll rotmdish ; iidangle ju s t to the tooth-line ; p a late
tcith a deep groove 071 each side, a n d a high, ce7itra l
ridge behind.
t B ea k moderate, I 4 the le7\gth o f the brain-cavity.
The D o l p h in . Delphinus Delphis.
T ab . 26. Fcetus and tongue.
D, vulgaris, Lacep.
D. antiquorum, R a y , Will. Pi.sc. 28, t. A 1 ,/ . 1.
De lphinus Delphis, L in n . F. Cuv. Cetac. 123.
Cuvier, Mam. L iihog. t. Schlegel, Ahh. i. 20, t. 4,
/ . 2, teeth. Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. t. 21,f . 9, 10.
Black, sides gray, bene ath while ; the dorsal moderate ;
tee th 44, (44 , Schlegel) ; nose of skull h a lf as long again
a.s the lengih o f the bra in cavity.
In h ab . North Sea. Atlantic Ocean.
Measurement o f different skulls in the British Museum.
The particular localities are unknown.
I d
rt 5
Î 1
n s
I i
19 0 12 0 3 10 2 9 3 i 45
bZ'.'.'. 18 0 11 4 13 10 2 9 3 0 4.3
18 3 11 3 ' 3 8 2 3 3 F 45
d...... 17 0 10 0 ' 3 4 2 2 3 0 46
17 0 10 6 , 3 6 46
J ......
9 ...... 17 0 11 0 3 ” 5 2 2 3*0 45
k ... 17 0 10 6 ' 3 9 2 9 2 1 46
i 18 0 11 6 3 8 2 2 3 0 60
k... 17 6 10 6 i 3 6 2 2 3 0 48
I ... 16 6 10 3 3 6 2 2 2 4 46
VI ... 17 6 11 6 ' 3 7 2 2 3 0 48
...... 18 0 11 0 2 9 3 0 43
The most prominent difference between the specimens
was in the width of th e ujrper jaw in front o f th e notch,
ju s t over the commencement o f th e teeth-series ; b u t I
could not find any other character in connexion with it.
There is also a slight difference in th e form o f the palate ;
in a, the central ridge is narrow and rounded above behind
; in b, it is broad, flat, sharp-edged, an d very deeply
concave on the sides, under the edges, b u t th e different
specimens vary in this particular. In d and g the hindei-
p a n of the palate, near the entrance of the inner nostrils,
is sharply keeled ; and in a the two ridges are rounded.
I am by no means certain th a t with a larger series of
skulls iu a perfect condition, and with the animals they b e longed
to, it might not prove th a t there are more than one
species amongst these skulls.
In all these skulls the interraaxillaries are seen below,
forming a slender, elongated, triangular space in th e front
of the palate, and in some the vomer is also more or less
seen in the middle o f the p alate ; but the absence and p resence
of tins bone in the palate, which Mr. Owen appears
to regard as important in the distinction of species (see
Biilish Fossils,’ p. ), is o f very little consequence, at
least in this species.
In the British Museum there is a foetus, figured with its
longue in .detail at (Tab. 26.), whiph probably belongs to
« u s species ; it formed p a rt o f the- collection o f Sir Hans
bloane. •
I t differs from the foetus ofLage/iorhy/ichus acutus in the
nose, being more produced (nearly 4 the length o f th e dis-
tauce from the end o f the nose lo th e eye), it has seven
mack rigid bristles on each side, the two front, rather
Ihe largest, are on the side o f the upper j>art of the nose,
and the five hinder forming a descending line nearly parallel
to the groove which separates the beak. T h e tongue is convex
on the sides, with a ra th e r narrow flat space on the
h in d e r p a rt separate from th e u nder sides by a sharp e n tire
edge, the front is ra th e r dilated, sharp-edged and ob scurely
T h e J a n ir a . De lphinus Janira .
Tab. 23. Skull.
Dcdphinaptei-iis Peronii, Mus. B r is to l In s titu iio n .
Skull roundish ; nose depressed, h a lf as long again as
the head ; triangle ra the r in front of th e tooth-line ; iuler-
maxillaries very convex behind, with a wide groove between,
above in f ro n t; p alate with very wide, deep grooves
on each side, extending f o f the length, centre ridge flattened
in th e middle, the intermaxillaries forming a long
triangle in f ro n t; tee th 4 5 .
Inhab. Newfoundland. Presented lo the Bristol In s titu tion
by G. Thorne, E sq .
Skull, length entire .... 17-10 inches & lines.
H e ad .... 6-1
Nose .... 1T9
L ow e rjaw .... 12-6
Width a t orbit .... 7-8
Notch .... 4-3
Middle o fb e a k 2-5
This skull differs from the D. Delphis o f the Atlantic, in
the beak being much shorter an d nai-rower.
The N e w Z e a l a n d D o l p h in . De lphinus Nov® Zelandim.
Delifliinus Novm Zelandi*, Quoy e t Gaii7i. Voy. Astrol.
49, t. 28.
Teeth 44 ; body elongated, rounded in fr o n t; nose cy lindrical,
ra th e r flattened above ; black-brown, edge o f the
upper jaw and beneath dull white, a yellow b an d from the
eye along the side to below the d o rsa l; tail slate ; pec toral
and dorsal dull white, the latter dark-edged.
Inhab. New Zealand and Cape G a b le ..
Length, entire, ......... ... 5-10 inches.
„ to blowers. .... T1
„ to eye, ......... .... TO
„ to dorsal,......... ... 2-84
„ to pectoral, ... T5
Width of c a u d a l , ......... ... 1-24
„ of pectoral, ... 4-6
H e ig h t o f d o r s a l,......... ... 84
Circumference, .......... ... 2-11
The following is probably the same.
Dauphin a band fauve, Voy. Pole S u d , t. 2 1 , / 1, t. 23,
/ 1, 2, not described.
Skull in figure ra the r suddenly conti-acted beh in d ; nose
-ff o f the entire length o f skull, and 2 | times the bre adth
.a t the n otch; intermaxillaries co n v e x ; teeth 4 4 . Skull
• in Mus. Paris.' P alate with a deep groove on each s id e ;
triarigle to;.the teeth line.
Inhab. Vsh Diemen’s Land.
The S a o . De lphinus Sao.
Skull. Length 17-0, teeth-line 8-9, beak 10'6, width
at notch 3 -7 ; beak elongate, shelving on the sides, with
central cartilage near h a lf its length in fr o n t; triangle to
# 1