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Dr. Coues in h is “ M onograph” of th e Spheniscidæ revives
Scopoli’s name for th is species, and in th is I th in k he is
justified, for, laying aside Gmelin’s title of patachonica
^y■hieh confuses two species, th e Apterodyta longirostris of
Scopoli (Del. Faun, e t Flor. Insuhr. ii. p. 91), seems to be
th e n e x t in order of priority. I t is founded on “ Le
Manchot de la Nouvelle Guinée ” of Sonnerat, (Voy. N. G.
p. 180, pl. 113), and although th e figiu-e in th is plate is
very had, representing tlie black on th e th ro at as extending
far down to th e centre of th e breast, tire description quite
A single specimen was brought hy th e Expedition, supposed
to be from Kerguelen Island,
A p t e n o d y t e s p a t a c h o n ic a .
P la te 31.
Aptenodytes patachonica, Forst. Comm. Soc. Beg. Goiting.
iU, p . 137, pl. 2, (1781) ; Coues, Pr. Phil. Acad. 1872. v.
Aptenodytes forsteri, (îray, A n n . K H., 1844,2?. 315; id.
L is t G a lloe &c., B. M.,p. 156; id, Handl. B. iii, 2?. 99.
Several specimens were obtained by th e Expedition, as
mentioned iu Mr. G. R. Gray’s List of G a lloe and Anseres,
(Plate 25.)
Pygoscelis papua, Wagl. ; G a y , Vóy. Ereb. & Terr., Birds,
pl. 25 ; id. L is t G a llæ , &c., p . 153.
Aptenodytes tieniata. Peale, U. S. Expl. Exp. Orn., p.
264, (1848). R E ’ E
Pygoscelis wagleri, Sclater, P. Z. S , I860, p. 392.
Eudyptes papua, G a y , Handl. iii, p. 98.
Pygoscelis tieniata, Coioes, Pr. Phil. Acad., 1872,2?. 195.
Two specimens procured a t Kerguelen Island.
P y g o s c e l is ade l izG,
F in a lly i t may not be out of place to give a lis t of th e plates which accompany th e now completed edition oí' tlie
Ornithological portion of th e Voyage of th e “ Erebus and Terror.”
A. Plates originally issued.
17. Nesonetta aucklandica.
18. F uligula novæ zealandiæ.
19. Podiceps rufipectus.
20. Anas chlorotis.
XXL* Graculus chalconotus.= Phalacrocorax chalconotus.
21. Hydrochelidon albostriata.= Sterna antárctica.
23. Scolopax stricklandi (not mentioned in text).
24. Bemicla inornata.= Chloephaga rubidiceps, (Sel).
(not mentioned in text).
25. Pygoscelis papua.=Pygoscelis tæniata, (Peale).
(not mentioned in text).
26. Eudyptes antarctica.=PygosceIis antárctica, (Forst).
28. „ adeliæ.=Pygoscelis adeliæ, (H. & J ) .
(not mentioned in text).
Procellaria anta rctica .=PrioeelIa antárctica, (Gm.).
(not mentioned in text).
„ nivea.= Pagodroma nivea, (Gm).
(not mentioned in text).
35. „ cookii.
P la te 28.
Eudyptes adeliee, (H. & J . ) ; G-ay, Voy. Ereb. & Terr.,
pl. 28; id. Handl. B. iii,2?. 99.
Pygoscelis brevirostris, G-ay, L is t Gallce, &c.,p. 154,
Pygoscelis adeh«, Hxjatt, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1871
p . 14; Coues, Fr. Fhil. Acad., 1812, p . 196.
Several specimens procured by th e Expedition and
enumerated in Mr. G. R. Gray’s List of Gallce and
P y g o s c e l is An t a r c t ic a .
(Plate 26.)
Eudyptes antárctica, (Forst) ; G a y , Voy. Ereb. & Terr.,
Birds, pl. 26 ; id. Handl. B. iii, p . 98.
Pygoscelis antárctica, G-ay, List. Gallce &e., B. M., p.
1 5 4 ; Hyatt, Pr. Bost. Soc. N a t Hist. 1871, p . 14; Coucs,
Pr. Phil. Acad., 1812, p. 199.
Two'specimens procured by th e Expedition.
Halcyon r ___
Anthornis melanocephala.
Eig. 1. Ac anthisitta longipes.
„ 2. „ chloris. Ï
Fig. 1. Gerygone flaviventris.
„ 2. „ albifrontata.
Fig. 1. Certhiparus novæ zealaudiæ.
„ 2. „ albicillus.
Fig. 1. Petroica dieffenbachii.
„ 2. „ albifrons.
Coturnix novæ zealandiæ.
Charadrius obscurus,
Hæmatopus unicolor.
Thinornis rossii. = T h . novæ zealandiæ, junr.
„ novæ zealandiæ.
Gallinago aucklandica.
Ocydromus australis.
Rallus dieffenbachii= Cabalus dieffenbachii.
Casarca variegata.
B. Plato.s now issued.
1. Athene albifacies.=SeelogIaux albifacies.
7. Strigops habroptilus. =S trin g o p s liabroptilus.
20.* Sterna frontalis.
21. Eudyptes antipodes.= Eu dyi?tes antipodum.
29. Prion turtur,
.30. Bernicla iuornata. = Cliloepbaga inornata.
31. Aptenodytes forsteri. = Aptenodytes pataeliuiiiea,
32, „ p e n n a n tii-=A p ten o d y tes longirostis.
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