brown b an d n ea r the tips ; u pper tail-coverts pale rufous
• browu, u nder coverts buff.
Length, 6 inche s 3 lin e s ; b ill from gape, 6 lines ; wings,
•2 inche s 8 lines ; tarsi, 10 lines.
This ftno species was brought by Dr. Dieffenbach from
New Zealand.
Subfamily 3. P a r in x .
C e r t h i p a r u s n o v æ S e e l a n d iæ .
P la te 5, f. 1.
P aru s urostigma, Forst. Descr. Anim. p . 90, e t Icon. ined.
New Zealand Titmouse, L a th . Gen. S yn . iv. 558.
P. novæ Seelandiæ, Gmel. Syst. N a t. 1013.
Certhiparus novæ Seelandiæ, De L a fr . Rev. Zool.
P ale cinereous red, m ixed with b row n ; forehead and
top o f head rufous; eyebrows white; sides o f head and
nape dark cinereous ; un d er surface pale rufous grey ;
quills pale brown ; tail like th e back, b u t brighter, middle
feathers rufous, th e lateral ones marked on the in n e r webs
with a square black spot near the middle o f each feather.
Length, 5 inches ; bill from gape, 7 lines ; wings,
in ch e s; tarsi, 11 lines.
To e toe o f the natives o f Dusky Bay, according to the
drawing o f Povster ; while Dr. Dieffenbach looks upon it
as the Riro riro o f the natives o f the Northern Island.
As we become better acquainted with th e birds, I have
no doubt th a t MM. Quoy and Gaimard’s P. Zelandicus
may eventually prove the same as th e pre sent species.
C e r t h i p a r u s m a c u l ic a o d u s .
P aru s Zelandicus, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de VAstrol i.
2 1 0 ,/ . I I , / 3.
Reddish brown, mixed with ashy ; front, throat and abdomen
fawn ; tail rufous, marked in the middle of each
with a b road brown spot.
Lengih, 4 inches.
MM. Quoy and Gaimard give the native name o f Mo-
mohoua to this species.
C e r t h ip a r u s a l b ic il l u s .
P la te 5, f. 2.
F riugilla albicilla, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Zool. i. p. 662.
P aru s senilis, Dubus, B u ll. Acad. Sc. B r u x . 1889. n t
1 ,2 9 7 .
Certhiparus senilis, De L a fr . Rev. Zool.
H e ad , neck, breast, and middle of abdomen white,
slightly tinged with rufous ; back and wing-coverts ru fous
brown, paler on th e tail-coverts ; quills blackish
brown, slightly margined outwardly with grey, and in teriorly
with yellowish white; tail pale brown, tinged with
L ength, 6 inches 4 lin e s ; bill from gape, 6^ lin e s;
wings, 2 inches 10 lin e s ; tarsi, 1 inch 1 line.
A specimen of th is species was brought by the E x p e d ition
from th e Bay o f Islands.
According to Mr. P. Earl, th is b ird is th e Popokotea of
the natives o f P o rt Nicholson, North Island. Its food
consists o f seeds an d larvæ o f insects.
Subliiraily 4. Saxicoliiue.
P e t r o ic a m a c r o c e ph a l a .
^ ^T in d u s minutus, Forst. Descr. Anim. p . 83, e t Icon, in-
Great-headed Titmouse, L a th . Gen. S yn . iv. 557, pi. 55
P aru s macrocephalus, Gmel. Syst. N a t. 1013: ¿ ath
In d . Ont. 571: L a th . Hist. vii. p i. 110.
^ ^RUpidura macrocephala, Sicains. N a t. L ib r. Flyc. p.
Miro Forsterorum, G. R. Gray, App. to D ie ff. Trav. in
N . Zeal. 11. p . 191.
Pachyc epha la ? australis, Steph.
U ppe r surface and fore p a rt o f neck deep b la c k ; spot
on forehead, base o f tertials and o f some of the quills, and
an oblique broad band on the three outer tail feathers, pure
white; un d er smface pale yellow, brightest on the breast.
Female. U p p e r surface cinereous b la c k ; tail and quills
black, base o f tertials and o f some of the quills, aud an oblique
band on the three outer tail feathers, wliite ; throat
white, spotted with black ; bre ast and abdomen yellowish
Length, 5 |-in c h e s ; bill from gape, 7 lin e s ; wings, 34
in c h e s; tarsi, 13 lines.
F o rster has placed the name o f MiiTo inirro upon his
drawing, while Dr. Dieffenbach states it to be th e Pirangi-
rangi o f the natives.
T h e specimen brought by Uie Expedition, was marked
as from Auckland Island.
P e t r o ic a D i e f f e n b a c h i i .
P la te 6, f. 1.
Miro Dieffenbachii, G. R . Gray, App. to Dieff. Trav. in
N .,Z e a l.p . 191.
Shining b la c k ; the wings tinged with brown, the base
of the secondaries, spots o f th e primaries n ea r the base
an d the greater p a rt o f the three outer tail-feathers, white;
the lower p a rt of the breast and abdomen yellowish white
ra the r darker on the breast. ’
Total length, 4 f in c h e s ; bill, 6 lines ; wings, 3 inches •
tarsi, 11 lines.
The present species is very like the preceding, but it is
altogether smaller in size, and with the small and narrow
b ill o f th e P. ioitoi.
P e t r o ic a t o i t o i .
Muscipeta toitoi, Garn. Voy. de la Coqu. Zool. i. «. 590
Ois. t. 1 5 , / 3.
B la ck ; spot on forehead, base of tertials and o f some of
th e quills, breast, abdomen, and an oblique broad band
on the three outer tail-feathers, pure white.
Length, 5 in ch e s; bill from gape, 6 lin e s ; wings, 2
inches 10 lin e s ; tarsi, 11 lines.
T h is species is considered the Nirungiru, Ngirungiru
Miro-miro and To-i-toe o f th e natives. I t is very common,
says Mr. P . E a rl, a t P o rt Nicholson, flying about the gardens
near the houses.
P e t r o ic a a l b if r o n s .
P la te 6, f. 2.
Turdus ochrotarsus, Forst. Descr. Anim. p . 82, et Icon,
ined. 148.
White-fronted T h ra sh , L a th . Gen. Syn. iii. 71.
T u rd u s albifrons, Ginel. Syst. N a t. 822 : L a th . In d .
Orn. 354.
U ppe r surface and fore p a rt o f neck sooty b la c k ; under
surface pale nifesc ent; front with a small spot o f white.
Lengih, 7 inches.
“ H a b ita t in aiistrali insula Novæ Zeelandiæ, victitat
insectis e t minutis cancellis ad litto ra maris, suaviter cantilla
t ; homines non formidat, sed ubique ob insecta in am-
bulaiido inter frútices excussa et circuinvolitantia sequitur,
sæpius manu captus vel píleo.” Forster.
T h e original o f this description is contained among the
drawings of Forster, and it is very like Petroica longipes,
{Garn.) The figure o f Forster differs, however, from the
bird refeiTed to, by th e white extending from th e fore p a rt
o f the breast to th e base o f tail, leaving the th ro at o f the
same colour as the back. I have subjoined a figure, for
the purpose of making known the original drawing from
which Latham took his description, th a t it may assist in
elucidating the species, should it hereafter be discovered.
I t may eventually prove to be the same species of b ird as
th e following.
P e t r o ic a a u s t r a l is .
Turdus australis, S parrm. Mus. Carls, t. 69.
Muscicapa longipes, Garnot, Voy. de la Coq. Zool. 594 :
Ois. t. 1 9 , / 1.
Myiothera novæ Zelandiæ, Less.
Miro longipes. Less. Tr. d'Orn. 389.
Slaty black, shafts of the feathers while, throat and breast
greyish white, margined broadly with slaty b la c k ; abdomen
white, mixed with slaty b la c k ; greater wing-coverts,
quills, secondaries and tertials, brownish black, the base
o f inner webs of secondaries with a spot o f white on each ;
tail black ; a small spot above the bill pure white.
Length, 8 in ch e s; bill from gape, 10 lin e s ; wings, 5
inches ; tarsi, 1 inch, 5^- lines.
The female and young are tinged with brown on the up per
surface, throat and breast lighter coloured and without
the prominent white spot over the bill.
Ga rnot informs us that this bird is the Miro miro of the
natives, and th a t it “ vit dans les broussailles qui entourent
l’immense baie des îles à l’oxtremilé nord de la Nouvelle
Zélande.” The settlers call this bird the Robin, which
Mr. P . E a rl supposes is from its tameness; if you sit down
b u t for a minute iu the bush in anj' p a rt o f New Zealand,
one or more of these birds «'ill make their appearance,
hopping round you without sliowing the slightest symptom
of fear. I t is mostly seen on or near the ground. He
further remarks th at the native name is Totoara.
Two specimens o f this species were brought by the
Subfamily 5. M o ta c illin x .
A n t h u s n o v æ Z e a l a n d iæ .
Alauda littorea, Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 90, e t Icon. ined.
New Zea land Lark, L a th . Gen. S yn . iv. 384, 51.
Alauda novæ Zealandiæ, Gmel. Syst. N a t. 799 ; Lath.
In d . Orn. ii. 497.
He ad and back brownish g re y ; from th e nostrils and
above the eyes a line o f white ; from the ear through the
eyes a black line ; cheeks white, spotted with brown ; the
th ro at white, breast pale feiTuginous, spotted with brown ;
abdomen white, with brown streaks on th e sides; quills
brown, mai-gined with g re y ; tail blackish brown margined
with grey, especially on the two middle feathers, the outer
feathers white, the last b u t one white, with a line down the
shaft and the inner web margined with blackish brown.
L ength, 7 in ch e s; bill from gape, 8 lines ; wings, 3 |
in ch e s; tarsi, I l f lin e s ; middle toe, 1 Of lines.
“ H a b ita t ad litto ra mans in insula australi Novæ Zeelandiæ,
victitans cancris pulicibus inter Fucos in littore
ejectos viventibiis.” Forster.
According to Forster, this is th e Kogoo-aroure o f the n a tives
; while Dr. Dieffenbach gives it the name o f K ataitai.
T h e specimen brought by the Ex p ed itio n , was from the
Bay o f Islands. In the same collection were also three
oilier specimens, from Auckland Island, which may eventually
prove a distinct species, with a triflingly larger foot.
I t agrees in this respect, as well as general appearance,
with A n th u s australis of V igors and Dr. Horsfield.
Alauda - - ? Forst. Desc. Anim. p . 91.
U p p e r surface and tail-feathers ferruginous, with longitudinal
streaks of brown ; fore p a rt o f neck and breast
whitish brown ; abdomen nearly wh ite ; sides, thigh.s and
v ent ochraceous white ; a line from each nostril over eacli
eye to the nape white; quills deep brown, with testaceous
grey raai-gins.
Length, 7 inches.
“ H s c c e Alaud® species est affine Motacillis, sed ob
rostrum magis cylindricum ad Alaudas sp e d a re videtiir :
a t digitus posticus erat vectiusculus e t vix digito longior :
semper inter fruticeta latebat e t celenime cursitabat in in sula
vulgo Longa appellata in iCstuario R eg in * CharloUas.”
Family, T u r d id ®;.
Subfamily I. T im a lin x .
T u r n a g r a c r a s s ir o s t r i s .
Loxia turdus, Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 85, e t Icon, ined
T hick-billed Tlirush, L a th . Gen. S yn. iii. 34, p i. 37.
Tanagra capensis, S p a rrm. Mus. Carls, t. 45.
Turdus crassirostris, Gmel. Sysi. N a t. 815 : L i th . In d .
Orn. i. 335.
Tanagra maciilaria, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de I'Asirol
Zool. i. 186, /. 7 , / 1.
Keropia crassirostris, G. R. Gray, L is t o f Genera, Is / ed.
Olivaceous brown ; fronl, cheeks and sides of neck with