a a a e ) « * B m B i 3 S S s s ¿ i S K S »
10. JIoBUNGA, Grc/y. Macrovliinus, F . C<ír. Cystophora
p a ís, Nilsson.
Nose of the male with an elongated tu b u lar proboscis ;
m uzzle o f th e skull broad, truncated in fi-ont ; forehead
convex ; hinder p alatine bone short, transverse : h a ir flat,
trunca ted, adpressed ; -whiskers round, ra th e r waved, thick :
claws, front obsolete, hinder distinct.
1. Morunga Elephantina.
P h o c a E lephantina , Molina, Sagg. 280, 341. P . pro-
boscidea, Peron ¿j- Lesueur, ii. 32, t. 32, males. H am ilton,
t. 16, 17. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v . t. 18, / . 1. F. Cuv.
Mem. Mus. xi. t. 1 4 ,/. 1, skull. P h o c a Leonina, Schreb.
297, i. 83, (cop. from Anson). Bla in v . Osteog. P h . t. 5.
1. 9. Sea Lion, D am p ie r , Voy. 91. Atison, Voy. 122,
t. 19. Boltlc-nosc Seal, Pen n . Quad. ii. 531. P h o c a du-
bia, Fischer, S yn. from Cuv. Oss. Fos. v. 213. Pho q u e de
Patagón, F. Cuv. Mem. Mus. x i. t. 1 4 ,/. 2.
In h ab . Southern Ocean. Brit. Mus. Females and skulls.
11. C y s t o p h o B-A, AY7sson. Stemmatophus, E. Cuv.
Nose o f th e male with a large compressed hood, extending
to the back of the head j muzzle very broad, hairy ;
nostrils large ; muzzle of th e skull broad, narrowed on each
side in front ; forehead flat ; pala tine bone broad, square ;
h a ir elongate, cyliudical ; whiskers flat, waved; claws 5-5,
1. Cystophora d is ta ta , N ih so n . P h o ca cristata,
A m ì . L yc. N . Y . \ , t . 7. Fab. N a t. Selsk. S k r i. i. 120. H a milton,
t. 14. P . mitrata, Milbert, M S . Ctiv. Oss. Foss. v.
210. HannUon, I. 13. P. leucopla, Thienem. 102, t. 13,
(young). P . leonina, L i/in . S. N . i. 55.—P . leonina, M u ller.
C.hovcdixs, Nilsson, Scand. F. i. 8S-Ò. P. cuculiata,
Bodd. Elen. 107. Seal with a Caul, E llis , Hud so n ’s Ba y,
184, t. 6 ,f . 4.
Inhab. North Sea. Brit. Mus. two males, one female
and one young.
The young is like the young o f Callocephalus grcetùaìi-
dicns in external appearance, b u t it is easily known from
th a t species by the hairiness o f the muffle between the nostrils,
and by the teeth not being lobed, b u t only plaited on
th e surface.
B. E a r s w ith a. suhcylindrical, d istin c t, e x teriia l conch.
Toes o f the h in d f e e t subequal, short, w ith long snem-
branes at the e n d : fo r e f e e t Jin -like : pa lm an d soles
bald, loiigitudinallg grooved. Nose simple, w ith a ra th
er large cnlloiis m uffle above a n d between the nostrils:
cu ttin g teeth dipper often b ijid ; grinders | 4 -
Sub-family 6. Arctocepbalina.
12. A r c t o c e p h a l u s , F. C u v ,
Cutting teeth upper subequal ; muzzle ra the r taperiug
in front ; whiskers cylindrical, thick, not waved ; palate
(of the skull) ra the r narrower beh in d than in front, short,
scarcely reaching to the middle of the zygomatic arch ;
lower jaw n a iTO w , rounded below, without any angle behind.
* Fu r long, under coat thick, soft, silky.
1. Arctocephalus ursinuS.
Ursus mavinus, Steller, Nov. Com. Petrop. ii. 331,
#.15, (copied in). P h o ca ursina, Sc/i?-e5. iii. 289, #.82. Gmel.
S. N. i. 62. Otaría ursina, Desm. 0 . Stelleri, Lesson, 0 .
Krachenninikovii, Lesson, D. C. H . N . xiii. 420.
“ H a ir long, erect, thick, under fur brownish red. Males
black, older ones with the hairs white-tipped, the hair of
th e neck longer and stiff ; females ash-coloured : o f the
very young black : flaps o f h in d e r toes very long slender :
length 8 or 9 feet.”
In hab. Northe rn Pacific Ocean, Kamschatka.
2 . Arctocephalus Falklandicus.
Sea Bear, Forster, Voy. i. 174. Ours marin, B u ffo n ,
H . A. S u p p . vi. 336, #. 47. Otaria Forsteri, Lesson,
D. C. H . N . xiii. 42.
Falkland Is le Seal, P en n . Quad. i. 275. P h o ca Falk-
landica , Shaw , Zool. i. 256. Otaria Falklandica , Desm.
Mam . 252. O. Shawii, Lesson, D. C. H. N . xiii. 424.
Otaria Falklandica , H am ilto n , N a t. L ib . t. 25. Ann. N. H.
ii. 81, #. 4.
P e tit P hoque, B u ffo n , H . N . xiii. 341, t. 43, (young).
Little Seal, Penn. Quad. P h o c a parva, Bodd. Flench.
78. P. pusilla, Schreb. 314, #. 85. Ginel. S. N . i. 68.
Otaria pusilla, Desjn. 0 . Delalandii, F. Cuv. D. S. N .
x x x ix . 423. O. Peronii, Desj7i. Main. 250.
Otaire de Peron, B la in v. Journ. Phys. xci. 295. Otaria
Hauvillii, Lesson, D. C. H . N . xiii. 425 : from Ciiv.
Oss. Foss. V. 220.
Grey, u nder fur red, young blackish. Len g th 4 feet.
Inhab. Antarctic Ocean, Falkland Islands. Cape of
Good Hope ?
There may be more th an one species combined in these
3. Arctocephalus cinereus.
Otaria cinerea, Peron. Voy. T. Attsl. ii. 54 ? Qiwy et
Gaim. Voy. Astrai. Mam. 89, #, 12, 13 a nd 15. Phoca
cinerea, Fischer, S yn . 283 i
Grey, h a ir of neck rough, elongate, yellowish, hairs yellowish
white and blackish, un d er fur red. Length 7 feet.
In h ab . South coast o f Australia. P o rt Western, Quay.
Kangaroo Island, Peron ?
Peron indicates a species from Eu g en e Island, Australia,
under the name o f Otaria albicollis ; and Molina one
from Chili, which he calls Phoca porcinà, which he says
has a nose like a pig, b u t of which I cau find no other in dications.
** F u r short, close-pressed, without a n y under fu r .
4. Arctocephalus lobalus. Gray, Spie. Zool. i. #. P h o ca
lobata, Fischer, S yn. ii. 574.
The flaps to the hind toes short, not so long as the toes:
grinders large, with a lobe on each side ; canines large.
In h ab . N. W. coast of Australia. Houtman’s Abrolhos,
M r . Gilbert.
5. Arctocephalus australis.
Otaria australis, Quoij e t Gaim. Voy. Astral. Mam . 9, #.
14.— 10. Nilsson, Weigm. Arch. vii. 322.
The flaps to the hind toes moderate. Grey, with yellow
reflections, head, cheeks and side o f muzzle whitish, b e neath
fulvous ; neck thick: limbs beneath blackish; whiskers
strong, flat, white.
In h ab . South coast o f Australia, “ K ing George’s Sound,”
6 . Arctocephalus Hookeri.
H a ir Seal, Weddell, 141 r
F laps o f the hinder toes elongate, unequal, o f the outer
toes on each side lo n g e s t: canines moderate. P ale y e llowish.
Inhab. Falkland Islan d s and Cape Horn.
Th e E a red Seal, P en n a n t, Quad. 278: P h o ca flavcscens,
S haw , Zool. i. 260, i. 73 : Otaria flavcscens, Desm. Mam.
252 : 22 inches long, may be a young specimen o f this species,
b u t it is n o t staled if this seal has under fur o r not.
The young o f O. Forsteri o f the size mentioned is blackish.
13. O t a r ia , Peron. P la tyrhynchus, F. Ctiv.
Muzzle broad, high in fr o n t; forehead rather convex, occiput
h ig h : cutting tee th the u p p e ro u te r ones very large,
like c a n in es; grinders (of the adults) with very large roots
and small, compressed, lobed crowns: p alate bone rather
wider behind (han in front, long, extending nearly to the
articulation of the lower jaw behind ; lower jaw broad, d ilated
below in front and behind a t th e angles.
Otaria Stelleri, l/isson, D. C. H . N . xiii. 420. J . Mulles-,
Weigm. Arch. vii. 330, 333. Leo marinus, Steller, Nov.
Comn. Pet7-op. ii. S60. P h o ca jubata, Gmel. S. N . i. 6S,
part. Otan&juha.la., Feron e t Lesueui-, Voy. P h o ca Stelleri,
Fischer, S yn . 231. Otaria Californiana, Lesson, D. C.
H . N . xiii. 420, from Chloris Voy. Piet. t. 11.
Inhab. Norlhera Pacific Ocean.
Otaria Leonina, Peron et Lesueur, Voy. ii. 65. P h o ca
Leonina, M o lin i Sag. 281, 341, n o t Schreb. nor Blainv.
P . ju b a ta , B la in v. Osteog. Phoca, t. 5 a n d t. 9. P . ju b a t
a ,p a r t, Gmel. S. N . i. 63. Otaria ju b a ta , part, Desm. O.
P ern e ttii, I^esson. 0 . Forsteri, Lesson. P h o c a Byronii,
Desm. P . Scout, Bodd. Leonine Seal, Sh aw . P la ty rhynchus
(leoninus), F. Cuv. Mem. Mus. xi. 208, #. 1 5 , /
2, ad u lt skull. Otaria P la tyrhynchus, M id le r, Weigmann,
Ai-ch. vii. 333. O. Molossina, l/>sson, Vog. 109, #. (young)
P hoca Molossina, Lesson, B u ll. Sci. N . viii. 96. Lesson
Oltary, Hamilto n , N a t. L ib. t. 24, from Lesson. P la ty rhynchus
Molossina, Lesson, Man. 203. P . Urania;, L e s son,
Man. 204 i Otaria Guérin, Quog e t Gaim. Zool.
XJran. 71 ? Sea Lion o f Forster, H am ilto n , N a t. L ib . I.
18. Sea Lion o f P e rn e tty , Hamilto n , N a t. Lib. t. 19, from
E d in b . Mus. Sea Bear o f the British Museum, Hamilto n ,
N a t. L ib. t. 23 ?
In h a b . Southern Pacific Ocean. Patagonia.
T h e upper jaw elongate an d dilate with age.
I I . — d e s c r i p t io n o f t h e s e a l s o f t h e s o u t h e r n h e m i s p h e r e .
L o b o d o n .
Phoca, p art, Honih. e t Jacq.
Leptorhynchus, p art, Owen.
He ad elongate ; ear-conch none e x te ra a lly ; muzzle
b ro a d ; nostrils ovate, hairy to the edge ; whiskers rigid,
tapering, waved ; skull elongate, ra th e r depressed ; muzzle
broad, ra the r produced : orbits moderate : the peirose
portion of the temporal bone very convex, nearly hemispherical.
Cutting tee th th e u pper middle ones moderate, with a
smaller ra th e r compressed crown, th e two others large,
conical, like the canines ; the lower pair small, the two middle
ones subcylindrical, ra the r interna l,projecting forwards
and rounded a t th e end, the outer ones rather larger, b lu n t ;
canines 44, conical, curved, small, the u pper largest; grinders
44 , willi large swollen roots, the crown triangular, sub-
trigonal, lobed, lobes ra th e r recurved at the lip, the larger
lobe with one, or sometimes a second, small lobe in front,
and with three lobes b e h in d ; the 1st up p er one smaller, with
a single larg e root, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th nearly equal and
the 5th smaller and more compressed, the 2nd and 3rd
have the root only divided a t the base, th e 4th and 5th
have them divided nearly to the crown, and diverging; the
first u n d e r is smallest and single-rooted, the rest are all
similar, 2-rooled, the 3rd being the largest an d the 5th
most compressed in the crown; the symphysis o f th e lower
jaw is very long.
The teeth of the younger animals have a ra the r broader
crown, with ra th e r shorter tubercles, a rugose surface with
some smaller tubercles on the inner side, near the base of
th e hinder lobes, b u t separated from them by a groove.
Body tapering behind. The fore limbs moderate, ra the r
elongate, triangular, hairy above and below: toes 5, tap e ring,
with a naiTow, thick, hairy web between them; claws
5, elongate, acute, s u b e q u a l: the hind limbs large, broad,
triangular, h a iry above and below, th e outer toes on each
side o f the foot very large, broad, rounded a t th e end,
the three middle ones smaller, narrow, tapering, with a
thick hairy web between them, the central one smaller
and shorter, all clawless : tail short, conical, depressed.
F u r close-set, ra th e r rigid, directed backwards, soft at
the e n d ; the hairs flat a t th e base, tapering to a fine point,
without any under fur a t the roots.
In h a b . Antarctic Ocean.
T h e C k a b - e a t e r S e a l . Lobodon carcinophaga.
Plate 1, an im a l; plate 2, skull.
P hoca carcinophaga, Homh. e t Jacq. Voy. ci Pole Su d , t.
10 a n d t. 10 a, (not described).
Leptorhynchus serridens, Owen, Ann. N a t. Hist. 1843,
He ad, back, h ind feet and upper p a rt o f th e tail pale olive;
fore feet, side of the face, body and tail beneath yellowi.sh
white, th e hinder p a rt of sides of the body, the base of the
h ind fins yellow-spotted, spots unequal, often co n flu e n l:
tvhiskers white, th e up p er one smaller, dusky.
In hab. Antarctic Ocean, on the packed ice.
T his species h a s been figured by MM. Hombron and
Jacq u in o t in the F rench Voyage to theS outli Pole, though I
believe, not y et described, b u t the skull is so characteristic
th a t there can b e no excuse tor not using iheif specific
name because th e description has not appeared. They
represent it o f a nearly uniform olive colour.
D r. M‘Cormick, the surgeon o f H. M. S. Teiror, having
sent a skeleton of this Seal to the College o f Surgeons,
Mr, Owen gave a description of it in the ‘ Annals o f N a