f i J
U p p e r surface grey, with the apex o f each featlier n a rrowly
margined, as well as th e bases, white ; oblong spot
through ea ch e y e ; wing-coverts, secondaries and quills
brownish black, with th e basal portion o f the in n e r webs
o f th e two la s t w h ite ; front, cheeks, u n d e r wing-coverts
and th e whole o f the un d er p a rt white ; b ill black ; tarsi
an d knees brownish y e llow ; toes black, with th e intermediate
webs yellow.
L ength, 124 in ch e s; b ill from gape, 1 inch 7 lines, depth
in middle, S4 lin es; wings, 94 inche s; tarsi, 1 inch 2 lines.
T h e bill is longer and more slender than th a t o f Procel-
la r ia velox. T h e natives are acquainted with this b ird by
the name o f E-titi.
- ? b ill from gape, 2 inches.
P r io n v i t t a t u s .
L ength, 1 2 in ch e s; b ill from gape, 1 inch 7 lin e s; wings
7 inche s ; tarsi, 14 inch.
Subfamily, Diomedeina.
D io m e d e a e x u l a n s .
Dioraedea exulans, L m n . S y st. N a t. i. 214. Forst. Desc.
Anim. p . 27, e t Icon. ined. 99.
Diomedea spadicea, Gniel.
W hite, more or less waved with b la c k ; wings black, occasionally
mottled with while.
Young. Da rk chocolate brown ; face and throat white.
Length, 4 f e e t ; b ill from gape, 84 inches ; wings, 2 feet
3 in ch e s ; tarsi, 44 inches.
Family, L a r id .e .
Subfamily, Lartn<e.
Lestris antarcticus, Less. Tr. d ’ Orn. 616.
Lestris catarractes, Quog e t Gaim. Voy. de V Uranie,
P r o c e l l a r ia g a v ia .
Proce lla ria gavia, Forst. Desc. Anim. p . 148.
Bluish black ; fore p a rt o f neck, bre ast, abdomen, under
tail-coverts and under w ing-coverts pure white; bill bluish
Ois. t. S
Brownish b la c k ; the head, neck and beneath th e body
brownish gi-ey, with some o f th e margins brownish wliite ;
feathers o f the sides and h in d p a rt of th e neck with y ellowish
white s tre a k s ; base o f the quills w h ite ; bill and
Length, 2 feet 2 inche s; b ill from gape 2 f in ch e s; wings
1 foot 84 inches ; tarsi, 24 inches.
•‘ H a b ita t ad Æstuarium Reginæ Charlottæ, gregaria,
u rinatur, in scopulis nidificai.” Forster.
The E x p ed itio n procured specimens o f this b ird oft'
Campbell Island.
Procellaria vitta ta, Forst. Desc. Anim. p . 21. Icon, in ed.
Larus fuscus, L in n . D ie ff. Trav. N . Z. A p p . p . 200.
Larus littoreus, Forst. Desc. Anim. p . 46.
Larus dominicanus, L ic h t. Cat. Dtipl. B e rl. Mus.
Broad-billed P etrel, L a th . S yn . vi. 411.
P rocellaria Forsteri, L a th . I n d . Orn. ii. 827.
P rocellaria Iatirostris, Bonn. E n cy . Meth.
Prio n Forsteri, Steph. J a rd . Selby's III. Orn. pi. 47.
Gould, B . o f A u str. p i.
Blue g re y ; smaller wing-coverts, a baud on the middle
ot th e wing, and scapulars, blackish b lu e ; quills, tips of
the middle tail-feathers and streak through th e eyes, b la c k ;
before and a streak over th e eyes, cheeks and bene ath the
b ody entirely white.
White ; back bluish b la c k ; quills black, with th e tips
white, aud th e first quill with a white spot near the tip ;
the scapulars, tertials and secondaries broadly tipped with
white ; h ill yellow, with the gonys red.
Length, 25 inches ; bill fi-om gape, 24 inches ; wings, I
foot 44 inches ; tarsi, 2 inches.
These birds, says Mr. P . Earl, are very numerous a t the
whaling stations ; in such numbers were th ey seen on the
carcase of a whale, after the b lubber was taken off, that not
a spot remained visible of the animal. They are known to
uic iiauves oy me name 01 iAaroro. They have ab
obtained a t Mount Egmont and Auckland Island.
“ H a b ita t Tropico Capricorni iu Circulum Autarcticum
usque, volant celerrime. Nidos h ab e n t in cuniculis sub
saxis et radicibus arborum in rupibus Novæ Zeelandiæ.
P arente s mane re linquunt pullos et tota die cibiim sibi et
pulhs in mari ex piscibus e t vermibus colligunt, noctu vel
vespen redeunt gregatim ad pullos (nam multa earum mil-
lia simul redeuntia vidi) et tura cibura evomunt in ora pul-
lorum ; ante diluculum tantum clamorem faciunt, ubi in
cuniculis degunt, ut nescias unde is oriatur, e t u t vix pro-
pe te loquentem exaudiré possis ; ipso diluculo mare repe-
tu n t gregatim, e t tum loto mari sparsæ indesinenter horsum
vorsum volitando videutur.” Forster.
L a r u s n o v æ H o l l a n d iæ .
Larus scopulinus, Forst. Desc. Anim. v . 106. Icon,
¿ned. 109.
Crimson-billed Gull, L a th . H is t. Birds.
Larus novæ Hollandiæ, Steph. Gen. Zool.
Larus Jamesoni, Wils. III. o fZ o o l.p l. 23.
He ad, neck, uropygium, tail and under surface, white ;
b a c k and wings pale silvery grey, the latter exteriorly margined
with white; quills black, the first and second with a
large spot o f white near the tip o f each, most of the basal
pa rts and tips o f the others white or grey, the former margined
interiorly with b la c k ; bill and legs crimson.
L ength, 1 foot 5 inche s; bill from gape, 2 inclies; wings,
124 in ch e s; tarsi, 1 inch 11 lines.
Young. Front, nape, uropygium, tail and beneath the
body wh ite ; th e tail with an irregular band near the tip ;
back, scapulars, and some o f the wing-covcrts varied with
irregular brown m ark s; back and wings more or less grev;
quills the same as those o f the adult, b u t th e white spo'ts
of the first and second quills are smaller ; bill and legs pale
brown, and the tip o f former black.
Length, 1 foot 4 inches; bill from gape, 2 in ch e s; wings,
114 inches.
“ H a b ita t ad scopulos quos mare alluit, in insula australi
Novæ Zeelandiæ, e t imprimis in P o rtu Obscuro; natat,
piscatur pisces gregatim æstuaria intrantes pro generandis
e t pariendis ovis.” Forster.
The native name o f this b ird is Piapuka. They are n u merous
a t the whaling stations, especially during the season
for taking the whales ; also a t Mount Egmont, and off
Auckland Island.
Subfamily, Slerninoe.
S t e r n a f r o n t a l is .
hind, back and scapulars white, ti-ansversely waved with
black, many o f the feathers being tipped wiitthh tthhaait colour ;
wing-coverts bluish white, some o f th e lesser mottled with
black ; quills bluish white, with the outer margins black ;
tail white, some o f the feathers edged and others tipped
with black.
Length, 12 inches ?
S t e r n a ? An t a r c t ic a .
Ste rna antárctica, Forst. Desc. Anim. p. 107. Wagl.
Is is , 1832, 1223.
He ad grey, with a spot before and behind each eye,
black ; cheeks, th ro at and abdomen snow white ; breast,
back and tail cinereous ; uropygium white ; quills black,
with white shafts ; bill with the base red and lip black ;
legs red.
Length, I 04 inches ; b ill from gape, l | inch ; wings,
“ H a b ita t in insula australi Novæ Zeelandiæ in Æ stu a rio
Reginæ Charlottæ.” Forster.
H y d r o c h e l id o n a l b o s t k ia t a .
P la te 21.
Top of head, back of neck to the nape, deep black ; a
line of pure w hite extending along the margin o f the black
from the gape to the nape ; back, wings, ta il and beneath
the body, grey ; tail-coverts both above and below, and
the outer tail-i'eathers, mostly white ; bill and legs red.
Length, l l4 in ch e s; bill from gape, 1 inch 4 lin e s;
wings, 104 inches ; tarsi, 7 lines.
Mr. P . E a rl informs me, th a t this species comes to the
vicinity of W aikouaite to breed in the m onth o f December,
at other times it is rarely seen. I l is known by the name
of Tarapivoe by the natives.
Family, PELECAN1D.E.
Subfamily, P ele ca n in x.
Sula australis, Gould {non Steph.) Proc. Z. S. 1840, 177,
Pelccanus serrator. B anks, Icon. ined. 30.
Sula cyanops, Sundev. I
Snow-white; top and sides of head reddish buff ; quills,
P la te 20.*
Front, below the eyes, nape, throat, breast, abdomen,
tail and inner margin of the webs of quills, w h ite ; back
and wings pale silvery g re y ; top of th e head above the
eyes and h in d head deep black.
Length, 1 foot 4 inches ; bill, 2 inches 4 lin e s ; wings,
10 inches 7 lines ; tarsi, 9 lines.
Young ? Striated T ern , L a th . S yn . vi. 358, p i. 98.
Sterna striata, Gmel. Syst. N a t. i. 609.
Crown and sides o f h e a d below th e eyes white, mottled
with black ; back p a rt o f head and nape black ; neck besome
o f the secondaries and th e four middle tail-feathers
bronzy b la c k ; basal p a rt o f th e shafts o f quills and those
of the middle tail-feathers white.
Length, 2 feet I I 4 in c h e s; bill from gape, 5 in c h e s;
wings, 1 foot 7 inches ; tarsi, 2 inches.
Dr. Dieffenbach informs us th a t th is b ird is the T a ra of
the natives of Queen Charlotte’s Sound.
G ra c a l u s c ir r h a t u s .
Pelecanus cirrhatus, Gmel. S . N . i. 576.
Phalac rocorax imperialis, K ing.
To p and sides o fh e a d , back o f neck, nape and -droi)ygi-
iim shining blue-black; wings and scapulars shining green-
black ; quills and ta il brownish black ; beneath the body,
an oblong spot on each wing, and some long lin ear feathers
over each eye, white ; space round the eyes, throat, and
round th e base o f bill naked, the la tte r carunculated ; the
feathers on th e top o f the head much lengthened, slender,
and most of them are curved forwards.
Length, 2 feet 54 in c h e s ; bill from gape, 34 inches ;
wings, 12 inches ; tarsi, 24 inches.
Young. Pelecauus carunculatus, Forst. Desc. Anim. p .
102. Icon. ined. 104. Gmel. Syst. N a t. i.
This state differs by wanting the crest on the head, the
long linear white feathers over each eye, and the oblong
spot on each wing.
G r a c a l u s v a r iu s .
Pelecanus pica, Forst. Desc. Anim. p . 104. Icon, in ed.
Pied Shag, L a th . Sijn. yi. 605.
Pelecanus varius, Gmel. Sysl. N a t. i. 575.
Carbo albivcnter, Less.
Phalacrocorax hypoleucos, Gould, Proc. Z. S. B ird s o f
Atistr. p i.
Top of head, back of neck, thighs and lower part o f the
back, shining greenish b la c k ; u pper p a rt o f the back and
wings greyish green, margined with shining greenish b la c k ;
sides of tb e head and beneath the body pure w h ite ; tail
dull b lack ; orbits yellow, and the eyes encircled with blue.
Length, 2 feet 4 inches ; bill from gape, 34 in c h e s ;
^s, 114 in ch e s; tarsi, 24 inches.
Young. He ad , neck, back and wings brown ; the two
la s t margined with deep brow u ; uropygium and thighs
greenish black ; the tail dull black ; bre ast and abdomen
white, mottled with pale brown.
Length, 2 feet 9 inches ; bill from gape, 34 inches :
wings, 114 inches ; tarsi, 24 inches.
“ H a b ita t in tota insula australi Novæ Zeelandiæ, victita
t piscibus, supra mare secundum littora volitai, inhians
scopulis arboribiisque erectus insidet, urinatur,
Í > -