M. Sclilegcl (F aun. J a p a n . 25), described a Dolphin
Ibund on th e coast of Jap a n , and called S a ka ma la kuzira.
I t is said to h a r e a high dorsal, an d to be black with
white spots on th e belly, back and sides, near the pectoral
fin. T h e eyelids and lips pale purple, th e latte r often
white spotted ; the head is rounded, the u pper jaw pointed
and toothless ; th e lower sh o rt aud narrow' and toothed.
Schlegel, who refers this species to D . orca, says the
wanting tee th in the u p p e r jaw is a mistake, b u t I should
say th a t it is probably a Grampus, which often wants them
in th a t jaw. I do not see why one p a rt of the description
should be relied on an d not the other.
G l o b io c e p h a l u s , Lesson. Physeter, Risso. Globioce-
phala, Lesson, 1842.
Ho a d round, forehead very prominent. Tee th conical,
large only on the front h a lf o f the jaw s ; deciduous in the
old one. U ppe r jaw large st? Pectora l narrow, linear-ovate,
low down. Dorsal falcate, about the middle of the back.
Skull flattened and concave in front o f the blower. Nose
broad, flattened, rugose above. Intermaxilla ry bones very
broad, covering the greater p a rt of the up p er surface of the
u pper j aw s ; ffie hinder wing of th e jaw'-bone horizontal
an d b en t up on the edge over th e orbits and slightly ex panded
and reflexed ju s t in front o f the o rbit notch.
Th e sucking young have no visible tee th ; the adults
have te e th in each jaw, b u t the aged individuals have generally
lost them in both.—Flem.
T h e P il o t W h a l e . Globiocephalus Svineval.
P e tit Cachalot, Daub. Acad. Set. 1782, t. 1, cop. Bonat.
Cetol. t.
Cachalot Svineval, Lacep.
Narwal edente, Camper, Cetac. t. 33, 34.
Ca’ing Wha le, N e il, Orkney a nd Sh etla n d , 1836, 221.
De lphinus Melas, Trail, Nichol. Jour. x xii. 21.
D. deductor, “ Trail,” Scoresby, Arct. Reg. i. 496, t. 13,
/ 1-
D. globiceps, Cuv. A n n . Mus. x ix . t. 1, f . 2, {cop.
Schreb. t. 3 4 5 , / 2, 3). Oss. Foss. v. t. 2 1 , / 11.
De lphinus grampus, Cat. Mus. Col. Surg. ti. 1137.
Black, streak from throat to vent (sometimes dilated in to
a cross band), w hite ; teeth 44 to rarely 4 | , Fleming.
Th e up p er surface of the maxillaries and intermaxillaries
rugose in fro n t; intermaxillaries form a triangular patch
in front o f th e palate.
Length o f animal entire
„ o f pectoral
„ of dorsal
Width o f pectoral
„ o fta ii
H e ig h t of dorsal
C irc um fe re n c e ................
Skill], length of, entire
„ o f nose
19 6 Fleming.
3 6
lower jaw
2 3
1 6
5 0
1 3
10 0
B. M. M.C. S. M. C. S.
1137. 1138.
28 0 29 0 24 0
15 0 15 0 12 0
i 9 0 8 6 7 0
19 0
B. M. M.C.S.
11 0
19 6
7 0
M. C. S.
9 0
15 6
Width a t notch .... 11 6
„ a t orbit .... .... 19 6
„ of intermaxillary 9 0
„ o f m iddle of nose 9 6 6 6
He ig h t a t occ iput .... 15 0
Female suckling, with llie young, 4 ft. 6 in. long in December,
Watson, and 7 ft. long in January.
T h e Delphinus globiceps, Risso, E u ro p . Merid. iii. i. 1,
/ . I . F. Cuv. 223. Black, with a gray band on each side
from th e th ro a t to the vent ; head large, round, swollen;
jaw s eq u a l; tee th 44, round, conical, curved. Inhab.
Nice, Risso. Is probably the same as D. Svineval, b u t
M. F. Cuvier regards it as distinct.
T h e De lphinus intermedins, Ha rla n , Jour. Acad. Sci.
P h ila d . vi. 51, i. 1.
D. Ila rla n i, Schinz.
Globiocephalus Melas, Dekay.
Phocæua globiceps, Amer. Jour. Sci.
23—3 0 1 ,/^ .
in h ab . coa st of N orth America.
May be distinct from the Europe an species, b u t the specimens
have not been examined with sufficient care.
S m a l l e r P il o t W h a l e . Globiocephalus affinis.
De lphinus Grampus, Cat. M u s, Col. Surg. n. 1138.
H u n te r ia n Col. n. 686.
De lphinus Melas, Owen, Bi-iiish Fossil Mammalia.
Tee th 44, small, conical, curved, very acute ; nose e x actly
h a lf as long as the head, ra th e r tapering, and rather
------.... J . . . ; i i ------- -i.- .5 „ q jg
jaw ; lower jaw obliquely trunca ted in
I n h a b .---------- ? Mus. Col. Surg.
Skull, length entire ................. 24 0
„ of nose 12 3
„ teeth line ................. 7 0
„ lower jaw ................. 19 0
Width o f nose a t notch 9 0
„ o f m iddle of nose .... 6 6
„ a t orbits 15 6
This is probably a young specimen of Globiocephalus
Svineval. T h e skull differs in being rather slenderer in
front and in the intermaxillary not being rugose in front.
In the Catalogue of the Mus. Col. Surg., 165, it is called
“ the skull o f a small Grampus,” Hunterian, and n. 1136
the skull of a large Grampus, Hunterian. This appears to
be the skull which Mr. Owen gives the measurement of,
u nder the name of D. Melas, in his account of Phocana
crassidens, in the work on British Fossil Mammalia.
T h e N a iso - g o t a . Globiocephalus Sieboldii.
Didelphis globiceps, Temm. Fa u n a J a p a n , t. 27.
M. Siebold brought w’ith him a figure o f a very young
specimen, 5 ft. 6 inches long, of this species, made by M.
Villeneuve, which is copied in the ‘ F au n a Jap ó n ica ,’ and
a complete skeleton.
Mr. Temminck regai'ds it as undoubtedly the same as
the E u rope an, b u t y et allows th a t there are some difle-
rences between it and the ad u lt specimen observed on tbe
E uropean shores. T h e forehead is less swollen, and the
])cctoral fins are ra th e r larger than in G. Svineval o f E u rope.
This species is called N aiso goto.
The Japanese distinguish two other spec ie s: 1. Sibo
golo, which is pui'ple, with a while spot behind the dorsal
fin, and the lower jaw furnished with many plaits. 2.
Ohanan golo, black, with a larger muzzle and more spacious
mouth ; the dorsal 4 from head, back edge before the
middle ; pectoral 4 from head ; pectoral 4 length ; length
of skull 15-0 ; beak 6 '9 ; width a t notch 4'9.
T h e De lphinus globiceps P roc. Zool. Soc. 1833,
65), brought by Capt. Delvitte from the N orth Pacific, which
Schlegel thought might be this species, is an Orca.
T h e L a r g e - h e a d e d P il o t W h a l e . Globiocephalus
Killer or Blackfish, J . B en n e t, M S S . Mus. Col. Surg.
Nose o f skull short and broad, rounded in front, nearly
as broad in the middle as a t the preorbital notch. I'e elh
subcylindrical, Lower jaw rounded in front.
Inhab. South Seas. Mus. Col. Surg. Presented by J .
Bennett, Esq.
Skull, length entire ....
,, nose ....
„ from top of nose to back
of p a l a t e .................
„ teeth line ...................
„ lower jaw ..................
Breadth a t preorbital notch ....
,, a t middle o f nose
„ a t temple ...................
„ of intermaxillary
24 0
11 6
14 6
5 6
16 6
9 6
9 0
17 0
6 0
Delphinus feres, Bonnat. Cetac. 27.
Blackish ; teeth 4-§j large and small, curved, compressed
before and behind ; crown oval, rounded and divided in
two lobes by a gi'oove, which extends their whole lengih.
Inhab. Mediterranean, Malta.
Length, 14 feet. Skull, length 1 foot 10, breadth 1 ft.
6 in c h e s l e n g th o f teeth, 1 in., bre ad th of line 4 inch.
Cuvier thinks this is probably Orca gladiator.
O r c a . Rondel.
Teeth conical, acute, large, occupying the whole edge
nearly to the notch, p e rm a n en t; forehead flattened. Dorsal
fin high, falcate, in the middle o f the back. Pectoral
broad, ovate. Skull rounded ; the hinder wing of the
maxilla horizontally spread over tho orbits, the intermaxil-
lanes only h a lf the width o f the jaw-bones. P alate convex.
T h e K i l l e r . Orca gladiator.
Delpliinus orca, L in n . S. N . 108.
Grampus, H u n te r , P h il. Trans. 1787, t. 16, cop.
Bell. B r il. Anim. Bonnat. Cetac. t. 1 2 , / 1.
Cachalot D’Anderson, Duhamel.
D. Duhamelii, Lacep. Pise. f. 9 , / 1. good.
D. Orca, Mag. N a t. Hist. iv. 329, Jig . 2. Schlegel.
riW. 11. #. 7,8 . from life. Cuv.^
Oss. Foss. V. t. 2 2 , / 8, 4,
R. A. i. 289.
? De lphinus gladiator, Lacep. Cetac. 302, i. 5, / 3.
D. Grampus, Desm.
B la ck ; circumscribed spot behind eye, spot on belly,
and u n d e r side o f tail white. Nose o f skull twice as long
as the width of the notch. Teeth 44, liU'ge, conical, slightly
B. M. M.C. S. No. 1I.3ÍÍ.
Skull, lengih entire 3 3 0 4T6
„ o f nose 16-6 22-6
„ o f teeth line 14-6 20-0
„ o f lower jaw 27-3 3 5 0
Breadth a t notch .... 10-6 14-0
„ a t orbit 18-0
„ a t temple .... 18-0
„ a t middle of beak 9-6
„ of intermaxillary
„ in front 4-0 6-0
„ in middle .... 3-6 3-6
T h e skull, n. 1136, of the Museum o f the College of
Surgeons, is o f m ost colossal size. I t formed p a rt of the
Hunterian collection. I t may probably be th e skull of
the large specimen, 31 feet long, killed a t Greenwich, in
1793. — B u n k s in Lacepède. It is called the Large
Grampus, D. Grampus in the catalogue, the Globiocephalus
affinis being called the “ Smaller Grampus ” (n. 1138),
and the Cape Killer, n. 1139; the Globe-headed Dolphin,
D. globiceps, Cuvier.
There is a skull in Mr. Bell’s museum, from a m ale 19feet
long, taken in Lynn harbour, Nov. 1880. The animal
was described in T..oudon's Mag. N a t. Hist. v. T h e following
arc the measurements of this specimen :—
Lengih along curve ................. 21-3
„ s tra ig h t............................... 1 9 0
„ to dorsal fin 8 ’2
„ to pectoral f i n ................. 4-0
H e ig h t o f dorsal ................. 4-0
„ to dorsal .................. 131
Length o f dorsal 2-4
„ o f pectoral 4-0
Breadth of pectoral 2-8
We have a beautiful skeleton of this species,
long, taken on th e Hampshire coast, presented by R.
Pearce, Esq., and a large skull from th e coast o f E ngland.
Delphinus orca, L in n . S. N a t. 108, is evidently from
Orca, Belon, Pise. 18, Rond. Pise. 483, Jig. copied by
Gesner, Aqual. 748. In the Mantissa, i. 523, the reference
to the Schwerdt Jische o f Anderson and some other
whalers is added, and probably from them there is added
“ Belhnn gcrit cum Phocis, quas ope gladii dorsalis e lapi-
dibus d e tru d it; Balamavum Phocarumque tyrannu.s, qua
turmatim aclgreditur. P inna dorsalis est spina ensiformis,
sex pedalis, cute veslita, basi latior.—yUu7?/. ii. 523. O.
Fabricius never saw this animal. Bonnaterre gave the name
o f De lphinus gladiator to Anderson’s figure, which represents
th e dorsal fin as near the nape.
Cuvier believed that the Orca of the ancients was p ro bably
a Cachalot, and th a t the Killer is the Aries
marinus of Pliny, .^Elian and the Latins, who compared
the white streak behind the eye to a horn. Desmarest,