In the skull o f Montague’s specimen, in the British Museum,
th e 4th and lOlh tee th from the front on each side
appear by the hole to have been large r than th e rest. We
have a second imperfect skull o f the same measurement.
M. F. Cuvier [Cetac. 223), as usual, complains o f M ontague’s
figure of the skull o f this species : h e does not recognize
in it the D. Tursio, an d thinks it most resembles D.
Delphis !
T h e skull on the skeleton presented by Mr. Houship, in
Mus. Col. Surg. (n. 1125), taken below the Nore, in Ju n e ,
1828, has the tee th th e two h in d er u pper without any
opposite, the 4, 5, 6 u p p e r are largest, the middle lower
are trunca ted, th e lower jaw obliquely truncated, with a
ra th e r prominent gonyx. T h e elongated intermaxilla and
the vomer are visible in th e palate. In the old skulls the
intermaxillaries are 4 width above, and tho sides of the
maxillaries are shelving. I n skull n. 1126 (Mus. Col.
Surg.) th e tee th are very oblique and trunca ted a t the end.
In all the skulls I have seen o f this species th e teeth
are more or less worn down, b u t Mr. Bell says he has
tw'o skulls in which they are acute. — B r it. Quad. 472.
T h ere is some difficulty about the colour o f th is species,
which may arise from two being confounded under one
name. BonnateiTe, Montague and Wrig h t describe it
as black above and whitish beneath ; 0 . Fabricius as all
b lackish, th e belly a little whiter an d the young paler ;
Schlegel figures it as all of a uniform deep black colour.
T h e A b u s a l a m . De lphinus Abusalam.
De lphinus abusalum, R u p p . Mus. Senk . 1842, t. 12, f .
1, 2, 3.
Black, below white, with small dark sp o ts ; tee th -l4-4§.
Nose o f skull about 4 of length, 2^ its width a t the notch.
Intermaxilla ry bones very convex, forming a strong ridge
on ea ch side. Lower jaw tapering in fi-ont.
In h a b . Red Sea.
Only knowm from Dr. Riippell’s description and figure.
I t h a s been said to be the same as D. Tursio, b u t it ap pears
very different.
De lphinus aduncus. Hemp. ^ Eh ren h . S yn. Phys. ii.
Beak depressed, elongate ; teeth 44, conical, strong ;
E x p an se 6', h ead 7 " ; width o f jaw s a t the end o f the
teeth 2"-6j-'' ; a t the middle o f thè jaws I" 9 .'”
In h a b . Islan d of Belhosse.
I s perhaps the same as the former.
T h e E u r y n o m e . De lphinus Eurynome.
Tab. 17. Skull.
D. Eurynome, Gray, Cat. Ost. B . M . 36.
Skull roundish ; nose thick, broad, rounded above ; in-
termaxillaries ra th e r convex, 4 as wide as maxillaries ;
nose 4 longer th an the length o f th e head (or 4j- o f entire
length), twice a n d J the length o f the width a t th e notch ;
back o f blower largely tubercular ; teeth 44» moderate, cylindrical,
ra the r curved, acute.
In hab. - Skull, Mus. Brit.
Skull, Lengih entire .... 22'0
„ o fh e a d .... 9-1
„ o fn o se T2‘3
„ o f teeth line lO'O
„ o flow e rjaw .... 18'0
Width at temples 1 10
„ a t notch .... 5’4
„ at middle o f beak S'6
T h e skull o f this species is most like D. Tursio, b u t the
nose is slenderer and more rounded and th e teeth
71 B ea k o f sku ll ra th e r th ic k , conical, evenly tapering.
The M e t i s . De lphinus Metis.
D. Metis, Gray, Cat. Ost. B . M . 36.
Skull globular ; back of blower tu b e rc u la r; nose
thick, ra the r conical, regularly tapering, upper p a rt convex,
ra th e r longer th an the head and ra th e r more than
twice as long as the width a t the notch ; intermaxillaries
convex, ra th e r more th an h a lf the width a t th e b e a k ; teeth
4 4 , ra the r conical, acute, curved.
I n h a b .-------------- Brit. Mus.
Skull, Length entire .... 2T0
„ o fn o s e .... 1T9
„ o flow e rjaw 17'0
Breadth o f orbit .... 9-6
„ notch .... 5-0
„ middle o fb e a k 3'0
T h is skull is like th e former, but differs in the nose
being shorter compared with the length of th e head, more
tape ring, and the tee th ra th e r longer. I t differs from D.
Tursio in th e nose being much shorter and more conical
and acute.
The C y m o d o c e . De lphinus Cymodoce.
D. Cymodoce, Gray, Cat. Ost. B . M. 35.
Skull roundish ; nose broad, rounded above, broad at
the base, gradually tapering in front and ra th e r convex on
th e sides, longer than the head, or ra th e r more than
ha lf the entire .length and rather more th an twice as long
as the width at the notch ; the triangular impression in
front of the blower ra the r elongate, extended rather beyond
th e line of the hinder teeth ; tee th 44 , moderate, conical,
slightly incurved, acute (rather more than 3 in one in c h ) ;
lower jaw regularly converging, straight on th e sides, the
front obliquely trunca ted, and the gonyx slightly produced.
Inhab. -------------- ? Brit. Mus.
Skull, Length entire .... 18‘6
„ o f head .... 8‘6
„ o f nose .... lO-O
„ o f te e lh lin e .... 7'9
„ o flow e rjaw .... 15-0
Width o f temple .... .... 8'6
„ o f notch .... .... 4-9
„ a t middle o f nose .... 2'8
„ o f intermaxillary .... 1'7
This skull is very like the former, b u t much smaller,
and the beak more conical.
t t B ea k o f sku ll slender, subcylindrical.
The D o r is . De lphinus Doris.
Tab . 20. Skull.
D. Doris, Gray, Cat. Ost. B . M . 36.
Skull roundish ; nose depressed, 4 of the entire length,
aud 24 time.s the length of th e width a t the notch, concave
behiud, rounded on the sides, convex in the middle o f the
central ridge, flattened in fro n t; intermaxillaries convex,
especially in the middle o f their length, with a groove b e tween
them in fr o n t; an irregular impression in front of
the blow'er, ra the r elongate, extending a little before the
line of the hinder tee th ; teeth 44) slender, conical, incurved,
a c u te ; lower jaw , slender, very obliquely tru n ca ted ;
palate ra the r convex in front, tapering, shortly grooved
in h a b . ? Skull, Brit. Mus.
Skull, length entire, ...................... 17-4 inch.
„ o fh e a d , ............. 7-3
„ o fn o s e , ............. lO’l
„ o f teeth-liue, .... 9‘2
„ o flow e rjaw .
Width a t temples, .............. 7'9
„ a t nostrils, .............. 4.4
„ a t middle of beak, 2’4
„ a t intermaxillaries, T1
This species, in th e slenderness and length of the beak
forms the passage between this and th e n ex t section.
The B r id l e d D o l p h in . De lphinus frenatus.
Delphinus frenatus, F. Cuv. Mam . L ith . t. Cetac. t.
1, 158.
Blackish, paler on tbe sides, the belly white, end o f tail
black beneath ; h ead b la c k ; sides ashy, with a dark band
from the angle o f th e mouth under tb e eye.
Inhab. Cape Verd, from Dussumier’s description and
Skull in the Paris Museum, irom Cape de Verde, sent
by Dussumier, Leu g lh 18‘0 inches, o f beak 8'3, width at
notch 3-5, o f middle o f beak T i l ; teeth 44 , ra the r larger
than D .d u b iu s ; palate smooth; intermaxillaries large,
expanded; nasal convex b en e a th ; triangle ra th e r extended
in front o f the teeth-line, rugose, and ra the r more so than
D. dubius. There is a second skull marked D .fr a n a tu s ,
No. 2, width a t notch 3 7 ; teeth 44 or palate f la t;
nasal very convex, especially behind ; triangle extending
rather in front of the tee th line, very rugose ; jaws rather
strongly reflexed in front o f the notch.
B. Head longly b ea k ed ; nose o f skull slender, light,
rather depressed, especially in fr o n t, much longer than
the head. Delphinus.
* S ku ll J la tlen e d b eh in d ; triangle to the teeth lin e ;
palate f i a t , not grooved on the side.
T h e M e t i s . De lphinus Metis.
Tab . 18. Skull.
D. Metis, Gray, Cat. Ost. B. M. 36.
Skull ra the r depressed, th e h in d er p a r t slightly convex ;
nose ra th e r depressed, shelving on th e side.s ; intermaxil-
laries convex, with an elongated groove between them in
front, 4 the entire length, twice and a h a lf the lengih of
the width a t th e notch ; the triangular impression in front
of the blower ra the r elongate, produced a little beyond the
line o f th e hinder tooth, rugose in front, oblique, grooved
on each s id e ; tee th 44 , small, slightly incurved, acute, six
in an inch.
I n b a b . ? Skull, Brit. Mus.
Skull, length entire, 15-7 inches & lines.
„ o fh e a d , .............. 6-3
„ o f nose, .............. 9-4
„ o f tooth-line, .... 7-4
W id th o f temple,.... 6-10
„ a t nostril,....... 3-7
„ a t middle of back, 2'2
„ o f intermaxillaries, I'O
This species is like the D. Doris in size, b u t has more
teeth, and the skull beh in d the frontal ridge is much flatter,
and gradually shelving to th e fo ram e n magnum, and
the beak is more depressed.
D. Me tis, var. In the museum o f the Bristol In s titution
there is an imperfect skull, apparently of this species,
which differs in th e nose being about | o f an inch
shorter, and ra th e r narrower. I t has 36 tee th in the upper
Skull, length o f nose .... 8 7
Width a t notch .... 3 8
„ middle o f nose 2 0
(There is a lower jaw fitted to it, which has no teeth
and a short gonyx, b u t it is doubtful if it belong to the
same animal) ; lower jaw 12-3, symphysis I'o .
There is a second skull in the same collection, very similar,
which has 44 teeth.
Skull, length entire .... 15 0
„ o f nose .... 9 0
W idth a t notch .... 3 4
„ a t middle of nose 1 10
This skull only differs from th e former in the lower jaw
being slenderer and united by a longer symphysis in front.
Lower jaw 12 6 long.
Symphysis 2 0 wide.
They are probably indications o f tw'o other species.
The hinder p art o f the skull o f the latter is also rather
more convex than the same p a rt in D. Metis.
The S t y x . De lphinus Styx.
Tab. 21. Skull.
SkuU roundish, ra the r flattened behind ; nose ra the r depressed,
ra the r convex in the middle, shelving on each
side, ra th e r longer than the head, 4 th® entire length,
* I