Delphinapte rus Beluga, Lacep. Scoresby, Arct. Reg. i.
500, ii. t. 14.
Catodon albicans, Lacep.
W h ite ; young black ; Che nose o f th e skull nearly 4 tlte
entire length, 14 th e length o f its width a t the anterior
notch ; tee th f - f .
In h a b . No rth Sea. Greenland. S cotland, Sibbald.
Skull in B. M. from Greenland, length entire 20 0, of
beak 9'6, width a t notch 6," a t orbit 1’3.
Mr. Barnstoii informs me th e Beluga is called Keela
lu a k by th e Esquimaux. In th e St. Law'rence th ey rarely
exceed 15 feet long. T h e male specimen he procured for
the British Museum was 124 f^et long, 6 feet 8 inches in
circumference a t the thickest part.
T h e A u s t r a l ia n B e l u g a , Beluga Kingii.
T ab . 7. Skull.
Delphinus Kingii, Gray, Ann. P h il. 1827, 325.
Nose o f the skull short, n o t h a lf th e en tire length,
scarcely longer th an its width a t th e notch ; tee th 4°,
small, hooked.
In h a b . Coast o f New Holland, Capt. P. P. King.
Skull in Brit. Mus., length entire, 13'6, o f beak 5'9,
width a t notch 4 '6, a t orbits 8'0.
T h is maj’ b e th e Ja c o b ite tursio corpore ngenlis ex-
tremitatibus nigricantibus, Commerson M S S . D. Com-
inersonii, Lacep. 317, from Cape Horn, cited by Cuv. R.
A. i. 291, and Oss. Foss. v. 289.
According to Desmarest [Mam. 521), Raffinesque
notices a Dolphin without any dorsal, an d with rounded
teeth in the lower jaw only, under the name o f Epiodon
Urqanantus (Desmai-est calls it Delph. Epiodon), from
*** Teeth in both ja w s perm anent, compressed.
N e OiMERIS, Gray.
T e e th numerous, compressed, nicked, acute, extending
nearly the whole lengtli o f the jaw ; dorsal iin none ; nose
of skull short, rounded a t th e end, flat, shelving above.
The N e o m e r is . Neomeris Phocænoides.
D. Phocænoides, Cuv. Reg. Anim. i. 291.
De lphinus melas, Temm. F a u n . J a p a n , t. 25, t. 26.
D e lphinapte rus melas, Temm. F a u n . Ja p . 7.
Black ; tee th Length 4 feet.
In hab. In d ian Ocean, Japan.
T h e figure in the ‘ F au n a J a p a n e n s is ’ is from a drawing
made by a Japanese artist u nder Burger’s inspection.
T h e skull in th e Leyden museum is more swollen and
broader than th a t o f Phocæna-, the nose is shorter, b roader,
more rounded a t th e end and nearly flat, not shelving
above ; tee th 4-|j larger an d stronger ; skull 4 the entire
lengih, (in Phocæua |) . Nameno-juo, Japan.
T h e short description o f the D . Phocænoides o f Cuvier,
which Dussumier discovered a t tb e “ Cape of Good
H o p e ,” agrees with th is species. There is in Mus. Paris,
a skull of “ D . Phocænoides ” brought from Malabar by
Dussumier, in 1837. I t is broader and shorter th a n Pho-
cæna communis; tee th spathulate, rounded, oblique, 4 4 ;
palatines, bones and intermaxillaries broad, as seen in llie
roof o f the beak.
Length of skull 7-0
„ nose 2 6
W id th a t notch 2'5
PhoCtENA, Gray, Spic. Zool. Cuv. a n d F. Cuvier, part.
Delphinus, part. L in n . Lacep.
Tee th numerous, spathulate, compressed, extending
nearly the whole length o f the jaw ; dorsal fin in th e m id dle
of th e body ; skull-nose depressed, broad, th e hinder
p a rt of th e maxilla slightly shelving downwards over the
o rb its ; the intermaxillaries an d vomer forming p a rt of the
C o m m o n P o r p o is e . Phocsena communis.
Phocajua communis, Lesson, F. Cuv. Cetac. 172.
De lphinus phocmna, L h u i. S. N . i. 108. Cuv. Oss.
Foss. v. t. 2 1 , / I, 2. Skull.
In h ab . North Sea. Mouth of Rivers — Thames and
Severn. Common.
c. Upper a n d lower ja w w ith m a n y teeth, rarely deciduous
w ith age. Wings o f the jaw-b o n e horizontally p ro duced
over the orbits. Delphinina.
Synopsis o f the Genei-a.
a. H e a d rounded in f r o n t, not beaked. Nose o f skull
scarcely so long as the brain cavity. Dorsal distinc t.
1. G r a m p u s . Teeth conical, tn in cated , early dec iduous.
lutermaxillaries broad. P ecto ra l ovate.
2. G l o b io c e p h a l u s . Tee th conical, deciduous when
old. lutermaxillarie s very broad. Pectorals narrow,
3. O r c a . T e e th conical, acute, permanent. In te rm ax illaries
moderate. Pectorals ovate.
b. He a d beaked. Nose o f sku ll as long as or longer
than the brain cavity.
4 . L a g e n o r h y n c h u s . H e ad shelving in front. Dorsal
ra the r posterior. Nose o f skull depressed, expanded.
5. D e l p h in a p t e r u s . H e ad ra th e r convex in front.
Dorsal none. Nose ra the r depressed, convex above.
6 . D e l p h in u s . H e ad ra the r convex in front. Dorsal
medial. Nose o f skull rather depressed, convex above.
7. S t e n o . F orehead ra the r convex. Dorsal medial.
Nose o f skull compressed, higher than broad. Symphysis
o f lower jaws ra the r elongate.
a. H e a d rounded in fr o n t, n o t beaked. Nose o f skull
scarcely as long as ihe brain cavity.
G r a m p u s , Gray.
He ad rounded, forehead ra the r convex. Teeth conical,
often trunca ted only in th e front h a lf of tlie lower jaw.
Dorsal distinct, low, rather behind the middle o f the back.
Pectorals ovate, ra th e r elongate ; skull depressed ; inter-
maxillai-ies dilated, covering great p a rt o f the maxilla
above, ra th e r swollen behind in front of the blowers, the
h inder wing o f the maxilla horizontal and ra the r thickened
and b en t up over th e orbit, and slightly dilated an d reflexed
ju s t in front of the notch.
C u v ie r ’s G r .am p u s . Grampus Cuvieri.
Grampus Cuvieri, Gray, Ann. N . H . 1846. Cat. Ost.
B . M . 86.
Delphinus griseus, Cuv. R . A. i. 290. A n n . Mus. xix.
i. 1 , / . 1, not good, cop. Schreb. t. 3 4 5 ,/. 1. Oss. Foss. v.
/. 2 2 , / 1, 2. F. Cuvier, Cetac. 182, t. 12, f . 2.
Mai-souin, Duhame l, Pech. iv. i. 9 , / 5.
Bluish black ; beneath dirty w hite, passing into the black
on the sides ; nose o f the skull broad a t the base, naiTow
in front and concave on the sides, not quite h a lf th e entire
length o f the skull. “ T ee th 9,” Schlegel.
Inhab. North Sea. Coast o f France, Rochelle, D'Or-
bigny, 1822. Is le of Wight, Hampshire, Rev. C. B u r y ,
Length entire 10-0 feet.
„ to blowers 2 6
„ to pectoral fin 3-6
„ o f pectorals 3-0
„ o f dorsal .... 5 ?
Width o fta ii
He ight of dorsal .... 1'2
Length entire 17.6
„ o f nose 8-0
„ teeth, series 1. j. 2-8
„ of lower jaw 12-0
W idth at notch 7'0
„ a t orbit ll'O
„ a t m iddle of nose STO
„ o f intermaxillary 3-8
He ight a t occiput .... 9 0
I t loses its u pper teeth a t an early period and preserves
only a few o f its lower ones. The dorsal fin is lower and
further back than in D. orca, Cuv. R . A.
M. F . Cuvier [Cetac. 193) has referred the Marsouin of
Duhamel [Pech. iv. t. 9, / 5) to D. Globiceps, aud M.
Duhamel particularly observes th a t th e pectoral and dorsal
vyere nearly equidistant from the head, and th a t th e under
side is p ale r th an the back, golden green, not white,
which does not agree with Melas. I t agrees in both these
points better with this species.
This species was first described from a skeleton and
drawing sent from B rest to Paris. The bad colouring of
the drawing induced M. Cuvier to call it D. griseus, b u t it
IS black and not gray. M. F . Cuvier regards it as distinct
from D. aries o f R isso, which liis brother thought was the
same. F. Cuv. Cetac. 184.
The young, 7 ft, long, h ad eight conical, acute teeth.
The older, two male and one female, 10 ft. long, had only
SIX or seven blunt, carious — D 'Orbigny. T h e up-
p er jaw longest (4 inclies), without any indication of
teeth, even in the young one, b u t witb a slight groove for
the reception of th e edge of the lower jaw. M. D ’Orbigny
says th at this species has “ most affinity in th e external
form to the Grampus o f Hu n ter, t. 17, which Lacepède
called D. ventricosus, b u t differs essentially in th e total ab sence
o f teeth in the upper, and by the number in the lowe
r jaw.” H u n te r does not figure any teeth in th e upper
and only a few in the lower jaw. I n D ’Orbigny’s specimens
the dorsal was injured, and in two o f them nearly
Risso’s G r a m p u s . Grampus Rissoanus.
De lphinus Rissoanus, L a u r . F. Cuv. Mam. Liihog. t.
Cetac. 196, t. 1 2 , / 1. Schlegel. Ahh. 33.
D. de Risso, Cuv. A n n . Mus. x ix . 1 2 , / 4, cop. Schreb.
t. 345, / 4. Risso, Ann. Mus. H . N . xix. t. 1, 2.
E urop. Me rid. 23.
Delphinus aries, Risso.
G. Rissii, J a rd . N a t. L ib. vi. 219, t. 18.
Bluish white, with irregular, brown-edged, scratch-like
lines in all directions. Females uniform brown, with similar
Var. Dorsal, pectoral and tail, and hinder p a rt o f the
body below, varied with black. F . Cuv. I. c. f 13, / 1,
In h ab . Nice. Risso, L a u r illa rd .
Tee th conical, early deciduous, especially of the upper
jaw, L a u r.
Lengih entire 9 0 according to Laui-illard.
,, of h ead 1 64
He ig h t o f dorsal 0 9
Lesson refers this species to the genus Globiocephalus,
b u t the position o f the dorsal and the form o f th e pectoral,
as well as the description o f the teeth, make me believe it
rather belongs to this genus. M. Cuvier observes th a t his
D. griseus is only described from a b ad drawing of this
species, but M, F. Cuvier, who had a new description, and
M. Laurillard, consider them as distinct. Reg. Anim. i.
290. F. Cuv. Cetac. 184.
G r a m pu s
Lower jaw straight, regularly diverging, scarcely bulging
on th e side behind, united by a ra the r long, wide sym--
physis in front. Obliquely trunca ted in front, with a rath
e r prominent, tuberous gonyx. Tee th 4-4, ra the r large,
far apa rt, conical, taperiug a t the tip, h u t subcylindrical
a t th e base.
In h ab .---------- . British Museum, from Ha sla r Hospital.
This jaw appears to differ from the low-er jaw o f G. Cuv
ie ri in being much thicker a t the symphysis, very obliquely
truncated in front, and ra the r projecting below.
Teeth 4-4, large, conical, ra th e r acute and recurved ; the
upper edge behind the teeth round, with many minute
holes on the edge.
Length entire ...................... 16
„ front truncation ....
„ o f teeth series
Breast, neai- condyle
„ in front
Width a t condyles
The S a k a m a ta . Grampus sakamala.
D. Orca, Schlegel, Faun. Jap. 25.
Inhab. Japan.
0 inches.
6 F:|