form o f the brain-cavity and form of th e beak, the skull of
L . E le c tra , b u t it differs from it in the beak being ra the r
more acute in front and more contracted on the middle of
the sides, an d iu being ra th e r smaller in size. I t may only
be a variety o f that species.
Sknll, length entire
„ o f nose
„ o flow e rjaw
Width a t orbit ....
„ a t notch ....
„ middle o fb e a k
T h e E s c i ik ic h t s .
16-9 inches & lines.
Lagenorhynchus acutus.
De lphinus acutus. Gray, Spec. Zool. 1, 2, from a skull.
D. E scb ric h tii, Schlegel, Ahh. 23, t. 1 S 2 , / 4, t. 4 , / . 5.
Body -------------- ?
Tee th 4 4 ; »ose o f skull h a lf its length and nearly twice
as long as wide a t th e notch ; lower jaw obliquely trunca ted
in front.
In h ab . North Sea, Faroe Islands, Eschricht.
Skulls and skeleton in the Leyden Museum—
Length entire 7 2 inches and lines.
„ of skull 0 IG
T h is species was first described by me from a skull i
Brooks’now a t Leyden, and Mr. Schlegel
h a s described it from a skeleton sent from the Faroe Ts-
Brooks’ museum, which is ii
lauds. I t differs from the other species of the genus in the
nose o f the skull being more slender and the teeth more
numerous. The tee th series, as in L . E le c tra and L . Asia,
do n o t reach to the notch which separate, the beak o f the
skull from the brain-cavity.
Professor E sch ric h t informs me this species is very like
7). leucopleiirus.
D e l p h in a p t e r u s , part. Blainv. not Lacep.
Delphinus, Lacep.
H e a d ra th e r convex, shelving towards th e nose. Nose
ra the r produc ed, obscurely divided from tlie forehead.
Dorsal fin none. Back rounded. P ectoral oblong, rather
slender. Skull moderate. Beak broad, depressed, tapering,
rounded above. T h e triangle before th e blower, elongate,
extending nearly to the middle of the beak. P a late flat.
Teeth conical, tapering, acute, curved. Symphysis of the
lower jaw short.
The P e r o n . Delphinapterus Peronii.
Tab. 15.
De lphinus Peronii, Lacep.
Delphinapte rus leucorhamphus,Pej’t)?i, Lesson, Voy. Coq.
i. 9, f . 1, cop. F. Cuvier, Cetac. t. J a rd in e , N .
L ib . t. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 2 1 ,/. 5, 6, skull.
D. bicolor, Stephenson, M S S . Icon. ined.
T e e th 44 4 ^ ; b la c k ; beak, pectoral fins, u nder part of
body white.
Skull in Mus. Paris. Length 18.3, o fb e a k 10.0, of teeth
line 8'G, o f lower jaw 14'6. Width a t orbit 9'0, a t notch
4-7, a t middle o fb e a k 2'7 ; teeth 4|., small, slender, six in
an inch ; beak broad, depressed, ra the r tapering in front,
the sides spongy, the centre hollow, filled with cartilage,
broader in front, flaltened b e h in d ; triangle extending
nearly to the middle o f the length o f the beak ; orbit rather
shelving above and slightly thickened on the edge ; palate
flat in front, ra the r convex b ehind, without any groove on
the sides; lower jaw gradually tapering, angularly shelving
and flat on the sides iu fr o n t; symphysis short, not two
There is a second skull, brought by M. ITousard, in
1822, which is ra th e r more depressed iu the middle in
front, and with tho triangle re aching near to the middle of
the beak ; tee th 44 , length entire, 17--G, of beak 9 '6, of
lower jaw 14-6, width a t notch 4-3, a t middle of the beak
2 '6. Orbits ra the r shelving above and slightly thickened
on th e edge.
Cuvier ju stly observes the beak of Lesson’s ( Voy. Coq. t.
9) figures is too pointed. Lesson also represents the
black as only occupying the upper part o f the back, as represented
jn figure 4, copied from his plate. 1 have
therefore given a new figure o f th e species, copied from a
drawing, the natural length, kindly given to me by W.
Wilson Saunders, E sq ., o f Lloyd’s, which was made by
Dr. Stevenson, during the voyage o f the ship Glenarn,
Capt. Guy, in la t. 46° 48' S., long. 142° west, Jan. 12, 1844.
D e l p h in u s , L in n . Delphinorhynchus, part. Lesson.
Cephalorhynchus, F. Cuv.
Forehead rounded. Nose produced, bald. Dorsal fin
falcate, in the middle o f the back. Skull with the hinder
wings of maxilla horizontal, sometimes thickened on the
edge over the orbit. Nose elongate, tapering, depressed,
broader than high, convex, roundish above, and slightly
concave in front o f th e blow'ers, nearly parallel on the
sides and rounded in front. Teeth small, conical, extending
th e greater p a rt of the length of the jaw.
Most maritime persons call these animals Bottle-noses,
Bottle-heads, Floundev-heads, Grampuses, Porpoises or
Porpusses, sometimes adding Whale lo the name. They
generally confine the name of Dolphin (most used by landsmen)
to the Scomberoid fish {Co7yph<ena), which changes
colour in dying.
A. H e a d shoi-tly beaked. Nose o f skidl modei-ate. T r iangle
elongate, produced before ihe teeth line. Palate
f ia t.
* B ea k scarcely produced. Nose o f sku ll i-ather depressed,
scarcely longer th a n ihe brain-cavity. Cephalorhynchus,
F. Cuv.
Th e H a s t a t e d D o l p h in . Delphinus Heavisidii.
De lphinus Heavisidii, Gray, Spic. Zool. t. 2, f . 6.
Schlegel. Ahh. t. Z ,f. 1—4, t. 4 , / . 6 .
D. Capensis, Cuv. B . A. 289.
D. Dussumieri, Fischer.
D. Cephalorhynchus, F. Cuv. Cetac. 158.
Marsouin du Cap, F. Cuv. Mam. L eih . 3.
D. haslalus, F. Cuv. Cetac. 161. Rapp. Cel. t. 3.
Ph. Homei, and D. tridens, A. Smith.
Black, with a streak, and two diverging white lines b e neath
; teeth 1 4 ; nose o f skull nearly h a lf the length of
h e a d ; lower jaw truncated in front.
Inhab. S. Sea, Cape of Good Hope.
There is a skull, D. Cephalorhijnchus, in the P aris Museum.
Beak f l a t ; p ala te flat, ra th e r concave b e h in d ;
teeth ra the r b lu n t 44 ; orbits rather sh e lv in g ; symphysis
of the lower jaw very short, ra th e r keeled below.
Skull, lengtli .... 11'3 inches and lines.
Beak .................. 4-9
Width a t notch .... 2 7
M. Quoy’s description and figure, on which F. Cuvier
founded D. haslatus, vv'as from the specimen originally
described by me, and now transferred from the College of
Surgeons to the British Museum.
This species has some cha rac ter intermediate between
Phocmia and Delphinus.
D u s k y D o l p h in . Delphinus obscurus.
Tab. 16. Skull.
Delphinus obscurus, Gray, Spic. Zool. t. 2 , / 2, 3.
D. superciliosus, Garnol, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9 , / . 2
8i F. Cuv. Cetac. 149? Schlegel, Ahh. 22, t. 1, 2 , f . 3, t.
4 , / 4.
D. Fitzroyii, Walei-house, Zool. Beagle, t. 10, Jun.
D. obscurus (var.), Quoy, Voy. Aslrol. 151, t. 28.
Dauphin a museau courte, Voy. Pole S u d , t. 22, f. I.
? D. superciliosus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9 , f . 2 ? ?'
Black, with oblique, diverging streaks on th e side, and
beneath whitish ; tee th nose of skull a b o u t l o f i t s
lengih and nearly 2^ th e length o f its width a t th e notch ;
lower jaw truncated in front.
Inhab. Southern Ocean, Cape Heaviside.
Skull, length entire
„ of nose
,, o flow e rjaw
W id th a t orbit
„ a t notch
„ a t middle of beak
Body, length entire .... S 'l feet & inches.
„ lo dorsal fiu 2T
Width o f tail T2
M. Garnot’s description, as given by F. Cuvier, is very
short, but it appears to fit th is species. The D. ci iiiuseau
cou7-{ of the Voy. a P ole Sud is said to have 44 t®eth. It
is evidently this species as determined by the examination
of the skull a t Paris, and there is a skull named D. hivitta-
ius, D’O rbigny, 1830. Beak quite flat ab o v e ; triangle
to near the middle o f the b e a k ; which appears to be
only a variety o f this species.
Length of skull
„ beak
Width a t notch
14-0 inch
i and lines.
I h e skull. Da u p h in d iimseau court, in the P aris Museum,
has teeth 44.; triangle extends much in front o f the
tooth-line; nasal grooves wide in front.
Skull, length .... 14'6
Beak 8'0
Width a t notch .... 3-6
The skull of this species is intermediate in form between
the Lagenorhijnchus and Delphinus.
The C o m p r e s s e d -t a i l e d D o l p h in . De lphinus
Phoczena corapressicauda, Z<?sso??, Cetac. 199. F. Cuv.
Cetac. 186 (from Gamo t MSS.).
'Teeth 44, small, conical, hooked; head coloured; belly
whitish ; pectoral s h o rt; upper jaw lo n g e s t; nose s h o rt;
base of the tail compressed on ea ch side.
Inhab. 4° south lat., 26° east long, o f Pari.s.
Animal, length to pectoral T 8 feet & inches.
Ex p an se of tail T 7
t t B ea k short. Nose o f sku ll thick, conical, coiivex above,
h a l f as long as the head. Tursio.
t B ea k o f sku ll ra th e r th ic k a n d rather swollen on ihe
B o t t l e - n o s e D o l p h in . De lphinus Tursio.
Tab. 10. Animal.
Delphinus Tursio, O. Fah. Faun. Groen. 49. W r ig h t,
Mag. N .H . ii. 18-38, 609. Boniiat. Cetol. 2 \.
D. Nesarnak, Lacep. (Desm. from O. Fah.).
De lphinus truncatus, Montague, Wern. Trans, iii. i. 5.
/ . 3. Skull.
Bottle-nose, H u n te r , Ph il. Trans. Ixxxvii. t. 18, cop.
Bo n n a t. Cetol. i. 11,/. 1.
L ’Oudre, Bellon.
D. Vulgaive, Camper, Cetac. 35, 40.
Var. ? D. Tursio, Schlegel, Abh. i. b , f . 1, 2, t. 4 , / 9.
Black (whitish beneath ?) ; teeth 44, truncated when o ld ;
skull-nose 4 o f entire le n g th ; intermaxillaries very convex,
forming a strong rib on each side above ; inlermax-
illa aud vomer forming p a rt of the palate.
Inhab. North Sea.
Mr. R . Templeton has sent me a m ost accurate drawing of
a specimen caught on the south o f Ireland, in November,
1828: he named it D. Delphis. Copied tab. 10. Tho
following are its measurements :—
Length entire 7 6 0
„ eyes 1 0 0
„ ear ................. 1 2 5
„ pectoral 1 6 9
„ end of the pectoral 2 6 7
„ fronl of the dorsal 3 2 5
„ end o f dorsal 4 2 5
„ genital organ 5 3 0
„ to the vent .... 5 6 3
„ to base o f tail 7 0 0
„ to end o f middle
of tail .... 7 6 0
„ to end o f tail fm 8 1 3
'The following are the measurements o f four skulls, the
first being Montague’s specimen :—
Length entire 2 1 6
„ o f nose 11-6
„ o f teeth line
„ o flow e rjaw
Width a t notch 5'9
,, a t orbit lO 'S
„ at middle o f beak
2 T 0 2T0 2 1 0
1 2 0 12-0 11-6
9 9 10-0 10-0
5'0 5-6 5-9
10-6 10-6
3-6 4-6