y .
P L E B . RÜ R .
P A P I L I O E V A G O R A S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings two-tailed, black, difk Ihining b lu e : beneath cinereous, fafciated with black, and marked with
two red fpots a t th e apex o f the pofterior ones.
P a p il io E v a g o ra s : alis bicaudatis nigris difco cyaneis nitidis fubtus ciñereis nigro-fafciatis pofticis
apice, rubro bimaculatis.
A lovely Papilio o f th a t tribe which Fabricius denominates Hefperia. In th e Linn®an arrangement it
ranks among the P l e b e i i R u r a l e s .
This insect was lately obtained from New South Wales by our obliging friend A. M'Leay, Efq. to
whofe indulgence we are indebted for th e opportunity o f inferting a figure and defcription o f it in the
prefent felection.—I t is raoft unqueftionably an undefcribed fpecies.
P A P I L I O A P E L L E S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Win g s dentated, fulvous, with a fufcous border : pofterior pair beneath, with rufous bands, having the
edges filveiy.
H a s p e e ia A p e e l e s : alis dentatis fulvis : limbo fufco, pofticis fubtus fafciis rufis argento marginatis.
F a l. E n t. Sy/l. T. 3. p . l . p . 2go. Sp. 111.— UNFIGURED.
Both this, and Papilio Narciflus the following fpecies, are elaborately defcribed by Fabricius in the work
above referred to, from fpecimens in the cabinet o f Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. T h e figures th at accompany
this defcription are alfo taken from the fame fubjects.