Almda alpeslris, lion. Syst. Nat, tom. L p. 289.
junta, Gmcl. edit Lmn. Syst. Nat., tom. i. p. 800.
Philerems alpeslris, Rtehm, Vog. Deutschl, p. M3.
Otoems alpestris, G. R. Gray, U«t of Gen. of Birib. \Mt , p. 6
Otocoryi alpeslris, Cab. Mu*. Seine., Theil i p. 12».
T h is pretty species lias o f late occurred so frequent!? W v iw m * f * «
collections o f British birds which are not a d o rn # a
while others have fallen victims to the nets o f *b* b*
English avifauna was made by the late Mr. Yarrdi
in 1831, Mr. Jo h n Sims informed him of a •M *
in Norfolk, in the March of the previous year. fltftMr
have been recorded in ‘ The Ibis,' the * Z oolagttC «
more than a few o f the more interesting of the not«*-* | $ |
In a communication to 4 T he Ibis,’ dated Bright«wv■.
4 « :—‘‘November might be called the ornithologist's HttaStk, i
all the rare birds have been found which have come under my oh;- et
“ On Friday (15th) two fine specimens of the Shore-Lark i .iland
catcher at Rottingdean, in clap-nets ; the decoy-birds used were Corns
h e a t first mistook these rare northern wanderers: the man who can
the following morning at the same place he took a third. These.
severe gales; yet all three birds were fat and healthy, with no a p p e a r
males, in good plumage, and had the elongated and pointed black
In the same volume of 4 The Ibis ’ Mr. Stevenson, m
specimens of the Sbore-liUrk taken at Bright«
in Norfolk, between the first week w
Yarmouth, on the 17th of November, iw **
on the 12th; and no other» ww*
procured at Sherringham, during the &
been unable to ascertain how many o&Hm
ouly ones seen at the time. Most p n q
birds were performing a southward vtgratuM
tin* Brighton bird-catcher were the remaau:
•• Besides these recent specimens, occurri
three other examples killed in this count)
November 1850; and a third male, also
the curious fact of all those procured beii
that, with one exception, all in the afoui
Mr. Stevenson records that another *p»
summer plumage, was killed at Yar»o*r
which have been killed on the coast of N
Among my MSS. 1 find a note by
Naknral-History Society of Gbwgwn.
tn 1861. More recently (in DceewWs
a irngrim— which, with three others, 9*
marsh-htud. within half a mile N E.
a shingle beach and a turnpike road,
apparently on grass-seeds.
It will be seen from the above quota*»
almost yearly visited by sufficient mtmU
ct that Mr.
-duiens wer
of Weymoo
! 3rd of that i
jarated from \
,i»d that there am few
these have been shot,
on of the bird into the
&wh Birds,’ states that,
# beach at Sherrington,
iAssKws id its occurrence
j.v be tedious to quote
Ihtwson Rowley
iitwth coast; for in it
, xxt* take« by ft bird-
l -i arveruns), for which
said there were five. On
probably due to the late
don. The first two were
eye well developed.”
.ttidi'ion to the three
,'sx y-tirere of five others,
L tW «*•** vhm fcdied a t