i p ih p o t a i s B s s d J iE K X
P itta Boschii.
P itta Elegans.
P itta Elegans.
P itta Boschii.
P itta Elegans.
P itta Boschii.
P itta Boschii.
P itta Elegans.
P itta Elegans.
Müll. and Schleg. Verhand. Natuur. Geschied. Ned. Ind. pi. 5.
(Breve Elegante.) Less Voy. de la Bonite, Ois. pi. 3.
Less. Bon. Ois. t. 3.
Moore, Proc. Zool. Societ., (1854.) p. 273.
Temm., (nec Irena,) Planch, dolor. (Text.)
G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. 1.
Horsf. and Moore, Catal. Birds, Mus. East Ind. Co., (1854,) p. 398.
Bon. Consp. Av., (1850,) vol. i., p. 256, sp. 3.
Bon. Consp. Voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 201.
Rufo-olivacea: vittis superciliaribus, nndis pectoralibusque flavo-aurantiis; nucha aurantia; collari
lato, nigro; gulaalba; abdomine et cauda cyaneis; tectricibus remigibusque parte albis. Rostro nigro ■
pedibus pallescentibus.
H abitat.—Sumatra; Malacca.
A dult Male.— Head, black; a broad orange band from the nostril to the occiput, bordered with reddish
on the neck. Throat and front o f neck, white; upper parts, rufous olive. Breast, deep blue, striped
with orange on the sides; tail, blue. Part o f wings, and greater coverts, w h ite; primaries, blackish
brown. Bill, b la ck ; feet and tarsi, flesh-color.
A.dult F emale.—The female differs from the male, by having the entire under parts reddish brown, transversely
barred with narrow black lines, and in having the line from the nostril to the eye brown,, instead
o f orange.
This lovely species dwells in the island of Sumatra, but it is not abundant even
in its native wilds. -It belongs to the true Pittae, and, with P. Cyanura, makes the
second species of that genus.
Messrs. Muller and Schlegel say, in their article upon Pitta Boschii, that “ the mission
to Sumatra with which we were entrusted in the first half of the year 1833 by
the then Governor-General Baron Van der Bosch, enabled us to increase our collec