species, but all the authorities whom I have been able to consult are without any
information relating to its mode of life. Whether it has not been sufficiently studied in
its native haunts, or whether the observer omitted to record what he may have witnessed,
I am unable to say; yet certain it is that nothing has thus far been related,
which will enable me to give any account of this species, except where it may resemble
the other members of this genus. I am led to believe that its habits and food differ
but little from those of Brachyurus Oaeruleus.
The female I have never had the good fortune to meet with, but presume that, in
the color of its plumage, it would somewhat resemble the female of the Caerulean
Mr. Blyth, who first described this bird in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, under the name of Pitta Cyanea, says that it was received from Arracan.
The figure is life-size. I f I am able to obtain a female of this species before this
work is finished, I intend to give a figure of it.