The black headed species constitute the sixth group. They are very closely allied as regards
size and markings, but I consider all those given as good and distinct species. They are five in
number, as follows;
24 . B rachyurus F orsteni, ............................................................................................P l a te X X IV .
25. Brachyurus Atricapillus, . . . . . . . Plate XXV.
Specimens o f this species are also found with the black streaks on their backs and wings,
which I have mentioned as occurring in examples o f B. Bengalensis. The same cause in both
species, doubtless produces the like effect, and the remarks on this subject already given are
equally applicable here.
26 . B rachyurus Mulleri, . . . . . . P l a te X X V I .
27 . B rachyurus N ov^e-Guihea, . . . . P l a te X X Y I I .
28. B rachyurus Cucullatus, . . . . . Plate XXVIII
The remaining genus is the one established by Yieillot, v iz .:
P I T T A ,
B ill moderate, straight, oilmen elevated a t the base, with sides compressed a t the tip, which is curved
and emarginate ; nostrils lateral and exposed. Wings projecting to tile middle o f the tail, with
the th ird and fo u r th quills equal and longest. Tail composed o f twelve feathers, rather long,
graduated and cuneate. Tarsi v e ry long and slender, broadly scuttelated. Toes long, united a t
base, h ind toe quite long, the claws moderate, curved, and acute.. H in d toe v e ry long.
Of this genus there are but three species known, more graceful in form than their relatives
o f the preceding genus, and o f bright gay plumage. They are,
29. P itta Cyanura, . . . . . . . . Plate XXIX.
30. P itta S chwaneri, . . . . . - Plate XXX.
31. P itta B oschii, . . . . . . . Plate XXXI.
These comprise all the species o f this family that are known, and after careful investigation
o f all the information concerning them which was available, I believe that those given are the
only ones entitled to be considered as true and distinct species o f the different genera to which
they are attributed.
Other members _of this beautiful family are doubtless yet to be discovered, and I shall always
learn with pleasure whenever another has been brought to the knowledge o f ornithologists, or when
any additional information shall be given concerning those already treated o f in this volume.
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