P itta Oyanoptera. Temro. Planch. Color. 218.
P itta Oyanoptera. Vigors. Append. Memoir Raffles, p. 659.
P itta Oyanoptera. G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i., p. 213.
Myiothera Braehyurus, Apud Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. xiii., p. 300.
P itta Oyanoptera. Blyth, Cat. o f Birds, Mus. Asiat. Soc., Beng., (1849,) p. 157, No. 907.
B raehyurus Oyanopterus. Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soc., Beng., vol. xvi., p. 153.
P itta Malaecensis. Apud Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soe., Beng., vol. xii., p. 960.
P itta Oyanoptera. Horsf., Cat. o f Birds, Mus. E.Ind. Comp., (1854,) p. 183, No. 248.
P itta Oyanoptera. Less. Trait. Ornith.. (1831,) p. 394, sp. 4.
P itta Hippocrepis. Wagl.
P itta Oyanoptera. Mull, and Schleg. Verhand. Natuur. Geschied. Neder. Ind., p. 7.
P itta Oyanoptera. Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc., (1854,) p. 274.
P itta Vélata. G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i., p. 213,
Tardus Maerourous Fasciatus. Bodd. Tabl. des Plan Enlumin. de Buffon.
Oorvus Maerourous Madagascariensis. Gmel. Syst. Nat.
Merle de Moiugues. Buffon, Plan. Enlum. 207.
B raehyurus Oyanopterus. Bon. Oonsp. Av., vol. i., (1850,) p. 264, sp. 7.
Braehyurus Oyanopterus. Bon. Consp. Voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 180.
Viridiè; capite nigro, vitta fulvo-brunnea; tectricibus alarum uropygioque azureis; gula alba,
subtus ochraceus, abdomine et crisso, pulchre rubfis. Remigibus nigris albo-fasciatis; rectricibus
nigris, apice caeruleis. Rostro brunneo, pedibus pallescentibus.
A dult.— Greenish; head black, front and line over the eyes to the back o f head, light rufous brown; wings,
rump,.and upper tail coverts, rich blue; primaries black, crossed with oblique white bands. Throat
white, under parte buff. Middle o f abdomen and crissum red. Tail black, tipped with blue.
H abitat.—Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Malacca.
Blyth was Hot awaie that the present species had already been named when he
drew his comparison between it and the Braehyurus Bengalensis, in the twelfth volume
of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, page 960.