Academy of Natural Scienoes of P hiladelphia, The,
per I saac Lea, Pres., Philadelphia.
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Beevoort, J. Carson, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brown, G. H. Esq., New York.
B uckley, H enry, Esq., Birmingham, England.
Oassin, J., Esq., Member of the Acad, of Nat. Seien, of
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of the N. Y. Lyc. of Nat. Hist. ; of the Nat. Hist.
Soc. of Montr.; Hon. Mem. of the Brit. Ornith.
Union ; «fee., «fee., Philadelphia.
Clarke, R obert, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cleveland, Mrs. Augustus, F o rt Washington, N. Y.
Coles, Mrs., Riverdàle, N. Y.
Colgate, R obert, Esq., Riverdàle, N. Y.
Dale, J ohn Gr., Esq., New York.
De F orest, Mrs., New York.
De F orest, W. W., Esq., NewvYork.
D winelle, W. H., M.D., New York.
Elliot, Gr. T., Esq., New York. (Two copies.)
F oster, A., Esq., New York.
F oster, F. Gr., Esq., New York.
Foster, H. T. E., Esq., Lakeland, Seneca Co., N. Y.
Gould, J ohn, Esq., F. R. S. ; F. L. S. ; F. Z. S. ; M. E. S. ;
M. Roy. S. ; F. Ethn. S.; F. R. Gepg. S.; Corr. Mem.
of the Roy. Acad, of Seien, of Turin ; For. Mem. of the
Imp. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Moscow; Hon. Mem. of the
Nat. Hist. Soc. of Darmstadt; of the Roy. Zool. Soc. of
Ireland ; of the Ornith. Soc. of Germany ; of the Roy.
Soc. of Tasmania; «fee., «fee. Author of the “Birds of
Europe’” ; “Birds of Australia,” «fee. London, England.
Grinnell, M. H., Esq., New York.
H errick, W., Esq., New York.
J audon, Mrs. F rank, New York.
J ohnston, J ohn T aylor, Esq., New York.
J ohnson, H. A., Esq., New York.
J ones, F. W., Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y.
L awrence, George N., Esq., Corr. Mem. Zool. Soc. of
Lond. ; Mem. Acad. Nat. Seien, of Phila. ; of the N. Y-
Lyc; of Nat. Hist. ; of the Bost. Nat. Hist. Soc. ; «fee .
«fee. New York.
Lawrence, D. Lynoh, Esq., Throg’s Neck, N. Y.
L aengner, Messrs. T. <fe C1“., Milan, Italy.
Low, J. Nelson, Esq., New York.
Marshall, C. H., Jr., Esq., New York.
Martin, E. T. T hroope, Esq., Willow Brook, near Auburn,
N; Y.
Mxnturn, R. B., Jr., Esq., New York.
Minturn, J. W., Esq., New York.
McI ntyre, J. McD., Esq., Brookhead, near Albany, N. T.
McE lroy, Messrs. <fe Co., Philadelphia, (Two copies.)
Morgan, G. D., Esq., New York.
Newbold, G., Jr., Esq., New York.
I New York H istorical Society, The, p e r F. De P eyster,
Esq., V. P.
Ogden, Dayed, Esq., New York.
P ublic Library of Boston, The, Boston, Mass.
B undle, R. P., Esq., New York.
Salter, Mrs-. Commodore, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Solater, P hilip Lutley, Esq, Ph. D.; M.A.; F.R.S. ;
F.L.S. ; F. ZS. ; Mem. Acad. Nat. Seien, of Phila.;
Hon. Mem. of the Germ. Ornith. Soc. ; Mem. of N. Y.
Lyc. Nat. Hist. ; of the Brit. Ornith. Union ; Sec. Zool.
Soc. of .Lond. ; «fee., «fee. London, England.
Skiddy, F rancis, Esq., New York.
Smith, G. G., Esq., New York.
Spencer, Mrs. E. L., Riverdàle, N. Y.
Strong, Benjamin, Esq., New York.
Stuart, R. L., Esq., New York.
State Library of N ew Y ork, The, Albany, N. Y.
Sturges, J onathan, Esq., New York.
T aylor, Moses, Esq., New York.
T en E yck, J. H, Esq., Albany, N. Y.
T hompson, J. R., Esq., Jersey City, N. J.
Verreaux, Mons. J ules P., Paris.
W ilson, Dr. T. B., Philadelphia.