intïuxcg rrcmcrrgiwa mwïFn^ïiMîË’mH^o
Coloburis Rufiventris. Cab. and Heine, Joum. fur Ornith., (1859,) p. 406.
P itta Inomata. G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Societ., (I860.'» p. 350.
Supra obscure caerulescente-viridis, pileo brunneo, cervice rufescente ; rectricibus virescente-caeruleis ;
abdomine et crisso rufis, primariis nigris albo-punctatis ; fascia pectorali lata caerulescente. Rostro nigro ;
pedibus brunneis.
H arttat.— Batchian; Gilolo.
Adult.—Head and neck, dark brown; upper parts, greenish blue, a blue band crossing upper part o f the
breast; rest o f under parts, bright red. Primaries, black, with a white spot in the centre. Bill, black;
feet and tarsi, light brown.
This species. is one of those with which our acquaintance has been brief. It was
first described by Messrs. Cabanis and Heine, in the Journal fur Ornithologie, (1859,)
page 406, under the name of Coloburis Rufiventris, and afterwards by Mr. Gray in the
proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for 1860. with the title of Pitta Inor-
The latter example was received in a collection of birds sent by Mr. Wallace from
the Indian Archipelago, thus adding another to the many beautiful members of this
family inhabiting those islands.
Of the habits and economy of the Crimson-breasted Pitta, nothing has been related,
but we have no reason to doubt but that in both it resembles the other members of
the group.
The figure is life-size, and the measurements and coloring were taken from a drawing
sent to me from Paris, by my distinguished friend Jules P. Verreaux.