n p im
P itta Strepitane.
P itta Strepitans.
P itta Strepitans.
P itta Strepitans.
P itta Strepitans.
P itta Strepitans.
P itta Sti'epitans.
P itta Versicolor.
Temm., plan, color. 383.
Miffi. and Schleg. Yerh. Natuur. Geschied. Neder. Ind., p. 14.
Less. Trait. Ornith., (1831,) p. 395, sp. 8.
Jard. and Selby, Hlust. of Ornith., pi. 77.
Blyth, Oatal. Birds Hus. Asiat. Soc., Beng., (1849,) p. 156, No. 905.
Gould, Birds o f Austral., vol. iv., pi. 1.
Introduct. to Birds o f Austr., (1848,) p. 54, No. 251.
Swains. Zool. Journ., vol. i., p. 468.
Strepitans. Bon. Oonsp. Av., vol. i., (1850,) p. 254, sp. 5.
Strepitans. Bon. Consp. voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 178.
Viridis: subtus ochraceus, pileo castaneo, linea occipitali fascia nucha, et gula, abdomineque medio
nigris: crisso coccineo: tectricibus alarum uropygioque, viridi-cyaneis: remigibus nigris, speculo albo :
rectricibus nigris, apice vinch-fuscis Rostro nigro, pedibus pallescentibus.
Adult.— Gheeks, back o f head and neck, throat and middle o f abdomen, black. Top o f head, with the
exception o f a narrow black line, dark chestnut; sides o f neck and lower parts, dark buff. Back and
wings, dark green; shoulders and band on upper tail coverts, verditer b lu e ; primaries black, a small
white spot on the fourth, fifth, and sixth; crissum, and under tail coverts, vermilion. Tail black,
bordered with dark green. Bill black ; feet and tarsi, flesh color.
M r . Sw a ix so n , in the first volume of the Zoological Journal, draws an elaborate
comparison between the present species and the Pitta Cyanoptera of Temminck, to
which, however, in my estimation it bears but little if any resemblance.
It seems strange that Swainson should not have known of the existence of Brachy-
urus Strepitans, since, so far as I can discover, he gave to it the name of Pitta
Versicolor after it had been described and figured in the Planches Colonies, by Temm,
where it was first made known to ornithologists.