BR ACH YTJRU S (Meuiohtta, Bon.) MÜLLERI.
P itta Atricapilla. Müll. & Schleg., (nec Temm.,) Verb. Kat. Gesell. Ned. Ind., p. 19.
P itta Mülleri. Bon.
Brachyurus Mülleri. Bon. Gons. Av., (1850,) vol. i., p. 256, sp. 23.
Melanopitta Mülleri. Bon. Consp. Voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 196.
Viridis: capite cologne ex parte, caudaque nigris; remigibus fere ex toto candidis, apice nigris;
abdomine crissoqne coccineis; cauda n igra; tectricibus alarum minoribus, uropygioque pallide caeruleis;
rostro nigro; pedibus brunneis.
H abitat.— Borneo.
Head, neck, and tail, black; back, dark green; lesser wing coverts and rump, light blue; primaries,
white tipped with du sk y; under parts, green, not so dark as b ack ; abdomen and crissum, bright
red; b il, black; feet and tarsi, rather light brown.
Of this species Messrs. Müller and Schlegel say: “We have encountered this
variety in different places in the southern part of Borneo, and in the first instance
close to Mantalat, in the elevated district near the Doeson river. The hunters, whom
we brought with us from Java, obtained this species for us during an expedition
to Martapoera, and they felt confident that, in their ways of living and habits,
they closely resembled the Pitta Oyanura.
“It is well worthy of notice, that this bird is not only found in the somewhat
elevated barren plains, but also appears in the level, thickly-wooded, alluvial tracts;
while P. Oyanura is found only in mountainous regions.
“ In this respect, the present bird comes nearer P. Cyanoptera of Sumatra,
which we likewise have encountered in the low, bushy tracts, near the sea-shore.