BRACHYURU S (Higaotipitta. B o Y MAXIMUS.
P itta Maxima. MAIL and Sehleg. Verhand, Natuur,Geschied. der Ned.Ind.
P itta Maxima.. Foist. Bijdraf. tot. do Dierk., (1854,) p. pi. 1. .
P itta Maxima. 0 . E. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i.
Brachyurus Maximus. Bon. Consp. Av.. vol. i., p. 253, sp. 4.
Gigantipitta. Maxima. Bon. Consp. Volue. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 177.
P itta Maxima. Wallace, Ibis. vol. 1. p. 112, vol. ii,, p. 197.
Niger; pectore lateribnsipio albis: tetrioibus alarum oaeruleis; abdomine crissoque ru b ra . Kostro
nigro, pedibus pallescentibus.
Entire upper part, black ; breast and flanks with a Spot on the primaries, white. Shoulders, deep blue;
abdomen and crissum, red. Bill, black. Feet and tarsi, flesh color.
This elegant species was first described by Mr. Forsten, who found it in the island
of Ctilolo. It is one of the most beautifully plumaged species of the entire family; the
contrast between the black upper parts, and the light colored breast, relieved in places
by the bright blue and red hues, give to the bird a very gay and striking appearance
I regret that I have no information whatever concerning the habits and economy
of Brachyurus Maximus; it being a very rare species, but few opportunities have ever
been given for observing it in its native haunts, and in those cases, I suppose the desire
of possessing so beautiful a creature overcame that of studying its mode of life.
There is no difference in the plumage of the sexes ; the female is a little smaller.
The figure is life-size, and is colored from a fine plate sent to me by my friend, M.
Jules P. Verreaux, of Paris.
The plant is the Hibiscus Jerroldianus. ■