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P itta Erythrogastra. Temm., Planch. Color. 212.
P itta Erythrogastra. Cuv. Regn. Anim., (1829,) vol. i., p. 373, (note).
P itta Erythrogastra. Griff. Anim. King., vol. i., Introd., p. 545.
P itta Erythrogastra. Less. Trait. Ornith., (1831,) p. 394, sp. 6.
Colohuris Erythrogastra. Cab. and Heine., Joum. fur. Ornith.
P itta Erythrogastra. Blyth, Catal. Birds, Mus. Asiat. Societ., Beng., (1849,) p. 157, No. 909.
P itta Erythrogastra. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i.
B rachyurus Erythrogastra. Bon. Consp. Av., (1850,) vol. i., p. 255, sp. 16.
E rythropitta Erythrogastra. Bon. Cons, voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 189.
Caeruleus : capite rufo ; gula nigra ; remigïbus alaruxn nigris, speculo albo ; dorso viridi : abdo-
mine crissoque coccineis. Rostro nigro ; pedibus brunneis.
Habitat.—Philippine Islands.
Adult.—Head, chestnut, two indistinct black bars on the top o f the head, commencing at the nostrils; back
o f neck, wings, and tail, blue; back, greenish. Primaries, black, with a white spot. Throat, black;
breast, blue, bordered with green ; lower parts, bright red. Bill, b la ck ; feet and tarsi, brown.
This beautiful bird is an inhabitant of the Philippine Islands, and is among the
handsomest of the family. It is closely allied in its markings to Pitta Celebensis and
Pitta Mackloti, but can without difficulty be distinguished from those species.
No one has, as yet, given to the world an account of the economy and habits of B.
Erythrogastra, but little as we may know of its manner of living, we may certainly feel
assured that it is a great ornament to the woods and groves of that portion of the
globe it inhabits. How like a jet of flame it must appear as it flits through the
branches, with the sunlight glancing upon the bright red of its breast; and with all its
varied plumage displayed to the greatest advantage, with what pleasure the eye
would follow it in its flight!