a sB A iK iO T iK B S jj - j j a r j y m i m t o i r s a i
jTitlif. fjjittini«.
GENUS, B R A 0 H IUE1J S. — 4' H IT N B E R G.
BRA.C1 IV 1’ KUS Eit; a n t i p i t t a ) CAEETJLETTS.
p m Gigas. Müll, and ScMeg. Verband. Natunr. Geschied. der Neder. Ind. T.;2.
My iothem Caerulea. Baffles, Trim». Uni:. Soc., vol. xiii., p. 301.
P itta Caerulea. Vigors, Append. Memoir, Baffles, p. 659.
P itta Oigas. Temm. Planch. Color. 217.
P itta Gigas. Lesson, Trait. Ornith., (1831,) p. 394, sp. 5.
P itta Caerulea. 6 . R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, v o l.i., p. 213.
P itta Caerulea. Blyth, Cat. o f Birds, Mus. Asiat. Soc., Beng., (1849,) p. 156, No. 903.
B rachyurus Caeruleus. Blyth, Joum. Asiat. Soc., Beng., vol. xvi., p. 153.
P itta Caerulea. Horsf., Cat. o f Birds, Mus. B. Ind. Comp., (1854,) p. 181, No. 244.
P itta Caerulea. Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc., (1854,) p. 273.
Brachyurus Caeruleus. Bon. Consp. At., vol. i., (1850,) p. 253, sp. 1.
Gigantipitta Caerulea. Bon. Consp. voluc. Anisodactym., (1854,) p. 7, No. 174.
Caeruleus; g e n is, corporeque. subtus fulvescentibus, oeoipite subcristato pileo, vitta postoculan,
collarique interrupto nigris. Rostro nigro, pedibns fnscis.
Adult Ma m — Head brown, a black band from the bill down the middle and back o f the head, running
h a l f round the neck; a bar going back from the eye, black. Back, rump, and tail, brilliant blue;
wings lighter b lu e ; primaries black, with a bluish tinge, near their tips ; throat mid entire under parts
light brown. Bill black. . Iris hazel, feet and tarsi flesh color.
Adult S Jm iA L a -S om cw lia t smaller, of a reddish brown or chestnut color above, with blue only on the
tail and tail coverts. Below it is o f the same cinereous brown as the male, with the same Hack collar