P itta Rubrinucha. Wall. Proc. Zool. Societ., (1862,) p. 187.
Viridis: capite et gula rufis; nucha rubra; vittis genisque dilute caeruleis; fascia pectorali,
caudaque cyaneis; abdomine et crisso coccineis; primariis nigris albo-punctatis; rostro nigro; pedibus
pallide caeruleis.
Habitat.—Island of Bouru.
Adult.—Head, reddish brown, on the occiput a square spot o f bright r ed ; over the eye a Tine running-
back to the red on the occiput, and cheeks, light blue; back, olive green; tail, and a broad baud
on the breast, blue, the latter narrowly margined with b la ck ; primaries blackish, with a white spot
• on the third and fourth; a small white spot on the shoulder; rest o f under parts bright red; bill],
blackish horn-color; feet, light dull blue.
The Island of Bouru, one of the Moluccas, famishes this beautiful species,
which has lately been described by Mr. Wallace in the Proceedings of the Zoological
Sooiety of London. He remarks, that this species is at once distinguished
from its near ally, P. Gelebensis, by the red nuchal spot, and by having much
less blue on the wing and tail coverts. It is also considerably smaller. Of its
economy and habits, nothing is related. My drawing was colored after a water-
color of Mr. Wallace’s type; obtained from Dr. Selater.