“ Our bird bears, among the Bejadjoe-Dajakkers, the name of Boerang Papak,
and is, by this people, as well as by most of the aboriginal tribes of Borneo, eon-
sidered a bird of presage.
“The tone and manner of their cry is either a good or bad' omen, according to
their way of explaining it, or as accident causes it to vary.
“More particularly attentive are these islanders to these so-called secret signs
when they are going on a journey, or when about to enter upon some important
Muller’S Pitta closely resembles Pitta AtricapiUa, but is principally distinguished
from that species, by the almost entire absence of black on the primaries, by the
black of the neck coming farther down upon the body, and by the absence of
black on the abdomen.
The general appearance of the two species is very similar, but they are without
doubt distinct.
The figures in the,plate are life-size. The plant is the Chorozema Triangnlare.