BKACHYURUS (Erytrroritta. B oh.) .GfRANATINUS.
P itta Granatina. Miill. and Schleg. Verhand. Natuur. Geschied. Neder. Ind.
P itta Granatina. Temm., Planch. Color. 506.
P itta Ooceinea. Byton, Proc. Zool. Societ., (1839,) p. 104.
P itta Granatina. Less. Trait. Ornith., (1831,) p. 395, sp. 9.
P itta Granatina. G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i., p. 213.
P itta Granatina. Blyth, Catal. Birds, Mus. Asiat. Societ., Beng., (1849,) p. 157, No. 910.
P itta Granatina. Horsf., Catal. Birds, Mus. E. Ind. Comp., (1854,) p. 184, sp. 250.
P itta Granatina. Blyth, Joum. Asiat. Societ., Beng., vol, xvi., p. 153, and vol. xii., p. 961.
Mraelvyurus Granatinus. Bon. Consp. Av., (1850,) vol. i., p. 255, sp. 18.
P itta Granatina. Moore, Proc. Zool. Societ., (1854,) p. 274.
Erythropitta Granatina. Bon. Consp. Voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 191.
Mortua Plando. Malay.
Oecipite, nucha, corporeque subtus coccineis : alis, dorso, cauda, strigaque utrinque nuchae, cyaneis :
gula granatina ; lateribus capitis, pedibus rostroque, atris.
Habitat.—Malacca, Borneo.
Adult. Head, black ; top and back o f head, crimson ; stripe behind the eyes, and greater wing coverts,
light blue; rest o f parts, dark blue. Throat, side o f neck, and breast, dark purple; lower part, bright
red. Primaries, black. Bill, black. Feet and tarsi, very dark brown.
This species, one of the most highly colored of the family, is an inhabitant of Malacca
and Borneo, and concerning it Messrs. Miiller and Schlegel say, “We were not fortunate
enough to meet with a specimen during our journey in Borneo. The only known individual,
after which the illustration in the Planches Coloriées (506) has been executed,
was procured by Mr. Diardin the vicinity of Pontianak, and sent to the Museum of
Since the above was published, many examples of this beautiful bird have found
their way both to Europe and to this country, and although the species is so well