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BR ACH YU RU 1 JG ieM E ffim , B oh.) X I] 1.’ A L K X S 18.
Paludicola Nepalensis. Hodg., Journ. Asiat, Soc., Beng., vol. vi., p. 103.
P itta Nepalensis. Hoclg., Catal. Birds o f Nepaul, p. 78.
P itta Nepalensis. G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i., p. 214.
P itta Nepalensis. Blyth, Qatal. Birds, Mus. Asiat. Soc., Beng., (1849,) p. 156, No. 904.
Braelvyurus Nepalensis. Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soc,, Beng,, vol. x v i, p. 153,
Heleomis (.Paludicola) Nepalensis: Hodg., Gray, Zool. Miscel., p. 83.
P itta N uchalis. Blytli, Journ. Asiat. Soc., Beng., vol. xi., p. 185.
P itta Nipalensis. Horsf., Catal. Birds, Mus. E. Ind. öomp., (1854,) p. 182, No. 245.
P itta Nipalensis. Gould, Birds o f Asia, pi. 2, part I,
Braehyurus Nepalensis. Bon, Consp. Av., vol. i„ (1850,) p. 253, sp. 3
Gigantipitta Nepalensis. Bon. Consp. voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 176.
Sy imya. Nepalese.
Oaeruleo-vireiis; smcipite, genis, et corpore subtus fulvis; gula cvissoque albis ; occipite et uucha viridi-
c jau e is; alis, caudaque brunneis. Rostro brunneo, basi fusco ; pedibus pallcsccutibns.
Adult Male.— Forehead-, ear-coverts, and under parts, dark buff; throat and under tail coverts, dirty
white; back o f head and nape o f neck, dark greenish blue; upper parts and wing coverts, green shaded
with rbfous brown; wings and taU, brown bordered with paler brown. Bill, upper mandible, dark
brown; lower mandible,, reddish. Iris, brown ; feet and tarsi, flesh color.
F emale.__Similar to the male : the principal difference consists in the color o f the back o f the neck, which
is o f a pale green instead o f the deep greenish blue.
T h is species is found in the forests of Bepaul, and is also a native of Sikim and
Bhotan. Mr. Hodgson, in his paper published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, on “ Three new Genera, or Sub-genera, of long-legged Thrushes,” says: “ This
bird never quits the forests, and usually frequents those parts of them only, which
abound with thick low brushwood: it seldom perches except at night, and then only
on low bushes ; it feeds principally in swamps and rills, upon the hard insects proper to