[BSE&sarsrsnaws {jmamBinpiEwmBïSATOïïEic
P itta Baudii. Miill & Schleg. Verhand. Natuur. Geschied. Neder. Ind'. pl. 2.
P itta Baudii. G. E. Gray-, Gen. o f Birds, toI. i. ;
B rachyurus Baudii. Bon-, Gonsp. At., (1850,) vol. i., p. 255, ssp. 19,
Ir idipitta Baudii. Bon. Consp. Voluer. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 192
Pileo caeruleo; genis, pectore, tectricibusque alarum nigris: guia alba : dörso rubro ■ remigibus nio vis ■
abdomine atrp-cyaneo. Rostro nigro, pedibus pallesoentibns,
Adult.—Head, light blue ; side of head, occiput, breast and smaller wing-coverts, black : throat and a
longitudinal band on the wings, white : back, red; all the rest deep Blue. Bill, Black'; feet and tarsi
An interesting article on this species is given in. the work from which I have already
obtained so mnch information regarding this family. There Messrs. Midler and Schle-
gel say that “when in the beginning of the year 183.6 we returned from Sumatra to
Java, there barely remained one of the islands in the Indian Archipelago which as yet
we had not visited, and that one was the largest, and least known as regarded its fauna,
namely Borneo. It on that account could not be otherwise than highly agreeable to
us,, when we received, shortly after our arrival, the honorable, task: to undertake, previous
to our departure for Europe, another exploration of that most promising island, accord-^
mg to the desire of the then chief director of Motherland India, His Excellency the
Privy Counsellor J. C. Baud; a. journey promising a treasure of interesting subjects to
enrich the collections of the realm, as particularly useful in the improved knowledge
of geography.
“ In both these respects.our stay in Borneo, although of short duration, lumished re