sBSE&c&iiEi^msOTs ^ceatBÄiTäHnpmHEa m o a n «KEflranssio
P itta Cyanea. Blyth, Jour. Asiat. Soc., Beug., vol. xii., p. 1008.
Catal. Birds, Mus. Asiat. Soc. Beng., (1849,) p. 157, No. 911.
BracTiyurus Oyaneus. Blyth, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Beng., vol. xvi., p. 153.
P itta Oyanea. G. R. Gray, Gen. o f Birds, vol. i., p. 213, pi. 55.
P itta Oyanea. Gould, Birds o f Asia, pi. 3, part I.
P itta Giyas. Apud Blyth, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Beng., vol. xii. p. 961. (Jun. Av.)
P itta Oyanea. Horsf., Catal. Birds Mus. E. Ind. Comp., (1854,) p. 182, No. 246.
BracTiyurus Oyaneus. Bon. Consp. Av., vol. i., (1850,) p. 253, sp. 2.
Gigantipitta Oyanea. Bon. Consp. voluc. Anisodact., (1854,) p. 7, No. 175.
Myai-ngou. Arracan.
Cyaneus; subtus pallidior, macidis nigris variegatus: abdomine et crisso albis, capite griseis, nucha
rubro-aurantia: striga oculari nigro-macidata, guttureque flavo. Primariis nigris. Rostro nigro, pedibus
Adult.—Head gray, dark brown line on the top, line from nostril through eye to back of head, b la ck ;
occiput reddish orange, back and tail dark blue; wings greenish black, primaries b la ck : a triangular
black stripe on the throat, the centre o f each feather white. Breast and sides light blue spotted with
black. Abdomen and crissum white. Bill black, feet and tarsi flesh-color.
I th in k that the reader will agree with me, as the work proceeds, in what I
remarked previously, that this family was one of the most beautiM, as regards plumage,
among the feathered tribes. Observe the subject of the present article, and note its
rich though neat attire, how well its gay crest accords with the deep hue of its back,
both relieved by the light tinge of its breast.
In the color of the back the Blue Pitta bears some resemblance to its relative just
preceding, but there all likeness as regards their appearance terminates.
I regret that I am without any interesting account of the habits of the present