iphotha s s n r j y i i s a iE n .
P I T T A S C H ¥ A N E E I .
P itta Schwaneri. Temm. Mus. Ludg.
P itta Schwaneri. Bon. Cons. Av., (1850,) vol. i., p. 256, sp. 2.
P itta Schwaneri. Bon. Cons. Voluc. Anisod., (1854,) p. 7, No. 200.
Rnfo-olivacea: capite, nigro, vittis superciliaribus, aureo-flavis; pectore, lateribusque aureo-flavis,
caeruleo lineatus; cauda, abdomineque, azureis; primariis, brunneis; rostro, nigro; pedibus, pallescentibus.
H abitat.—Borneo.
Male.—Head, b la ck ; line over the eyes and sides o f throat, golden y e llow ; throat, w h ite ; back
and wings, reddish brown; sides golden yellow, crossed with narrow blue lines; primaries, dark
brown, with longitudinal white spots on the secondaries; abdomen and tail, rich dark blue; bill,
black; feet and tarsi, very light flesh color.
Y oung Male.—Upper part o f head, light brown, growing darker towards the occiput; line from nostril,
running under the eye to occiput, deep b la ck ; back and wings, dark brown; throat, w h ite ;
breast and sides, light yellow, crossed with narrow black lines; tail, b lu e; .bill, b la ck ; feet and
tarsi, flesh color.
This truly beautiful bird is an inhabitant of Borneo, an island which has produced
some of the handsomest members of this family. I believe the specimen
from which the first description was taken is in the Museum of Leyden, but who
the fortunate discoverer was, I am unable to say. M. Temminck first introduced it
to ornithologists, and certainly the family of the Pittidae can boast no fairer species.
My drawing of the male in the plate was made from a water-color, sent to me
from Paris by M. Verreaux, and the other was also taken from a drawing sent
from England by Dr. Sclater.
The latter was marked by Dr. Sclater as a young male; the female has never
yet been obtained, but I presume it would closely resemble in its plumage the
young bird figured in my plate.
Of the habits and economy of Schwaner’s Pitta, I can give no account whatever.
The figures are life-size. The plant is the Asystasia Coromandeliana.