Rev. The Palace and gardens of Ryswick. Leg. v il l a r e g is
r isv ic a n a . (The Royal Palace of Ryswick.) Ex. t h e a t r v m .
pa c is . m .d c .ih c . (The scene of the Peace, 1697.) c. w.
(Christian Wermuth.)
1. Rapin, xxi. 10. Yan Loon, IV. 266.
MB. jR. Hague, JR. Gotha, JR. Very rare.
This piece was executed at Gotha, which accounts for the
prominence given to the Imperial eagle.
457. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., three-quarters, r., hair long, in armour,
and medal suspended to riband.
Rev. The Palace and gardens of Ryswick, &c.; same as the
B. electrotype from Gotha, JR. Extremely rare.
This is a variety of the preceding, and by the same artist,
Christian Wermuth.
458. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Peace, crowned, holds an olive branch and locks the door of
the Temple of Janus, inscribed, anno m io c x c v ii, the columns
of which are entwined with roses, lilies, and orange branches;
on the steps are War and Discord in chains. Behind Peace are
the globe, a cornucopia from which fall coins, distant shipping,
and Mercury, emblematical of Commerce, holding a caduceus
and a scroll inscribed, EUROPiE pa x e e d d it a . (Peace restored
to Europe.) Ex. d . d e a p p e n t l e e .
Rev. Europe, laureate, seated on the sea-shore, holds an
olive branch and a cornucopia : in the distance are' ships; and
above, rays from heaven. Ex. e u r o p a .
1’9. Rapin, xxii. 1. Van Loon, IV. 273.
MB. JR. Hague, JR. Cassel, JR. Very rare.
This medal was struck by the city of Dordrecht. In 1713 it
was republished to commemorate the Peace of Utrecht, the date
on the gates being altered. (See No. 262, p. 402, and Van
Loon, V. 227.)
459. W il l ia m III. and Louis XIV.
P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in armour,
with lion’s head and straps on the shoulder, and mantle
round the breast. Leg, w il h . h i . d : g . m , b r it . f e a n . e t
•h ib . r e x . Below, w. (Christian Wermuth.)
Rev. Bust of Louis XIV., r., hair long, in armour, with
satyr’s head in front and straps on the shoulder, and mantle
round the breast. Leg. lvdovtc’ . x iv . d : g . m . f r . e t nav.
eex che. On truncation, w. (Christian Wermuth.)
Edge, sic b e n e c o n v en iv n t . r is v ic i . d . s e p t . m .dc .ih c .
(Thus do they happily agree at Ryswick, Sept. 1697.)
•8. De Vries and De Jonge, PI. xi. 8.
MB. 2R. Hague, lead. Gotha, JR. P. H. Van
Gelder, JR. Leipzig, lead. Very rare.
This small medal presents the portraits of the two monarchs
who were the great chiefs engaged in the war which was terminated
by the Peace of Ryswick, and which, having been signed
at midnight, ^ Sept., might with equal propriety be considered
to have been completed on -|~j- Sept., as recorded by this medal.
Sometimes the inscription on the edge begins ia M b e n e , instead
of sic b e n e . This and similar pieces by Christian Wermuth,
referring to the Peace of Ryswick, were struck for use as
counters, and were issued in sets, enclosed in silver boxes.
460. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . ^ Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. A harp. Leg. n e r v v s n e c d is s o n e t v n v s . (May not