Lane, Lombard Street. They were all in copper, and thickly
covered with verdigris. It is probable that these medalets
were sent to London after the Peace of Ryswick to be freely
distributed amongst the partisans of the Stuarts. (See Journ.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. XXVII. p. 885.)
5 0 2 . P rince J ame s. 1 6 9 7 .
Bust of Prince James, I., hair long, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. A mine exploding at the corner of a bastion. Leg.
qvo . c om pr e s sa . m a g is . (When compressed the more powerful.)
Ex. 1 6 9 7 .
1 . Van Loon, IV. 2 4 7 .
MB. Ar. At. JR. Bodley, AS. Advocates, At. AS.
Gotha, At. Vienna, At. Not rare.
A mine may be said to explode with a violence proportionate
to the resistance by which it is compressed. The Treaty of
Ryswick pressed with unusual weight upon the fortunes of the
Stuarts ; the medalet seems to expect that they would overcome
the resistance which oppressed them.
503. P r in c e J a m e s . 1697.
Bust of Prince James, I , hair long, &c.; same as No. 501.
Rev. The sun rising upon a calm sea. Leg. omnia . f a c it .
i p s e . s e r e n a . (He makes all things serene.) Ex. 1697.
1. Van Loon, IV. 247.
MB. M . (two varieties). Bodley, At. M. Advocates, M.
Bibl. Paris, At. AS. (two varieties). Gotha, At. Not rare.
As storms generally abate towards the morning, the sun is
here said to make everything serene and calm by its reappearance.
It was hoped that the entrance of the young Prince
upon the world would soothe the storms which had disturbed
the reign of his father. Two pairs of dies, slightly varying,
were used in striking these medalets, one of them having a tree
in the right hand corner.
504. P r in c e J a m e s . 1697.
Bust of Prince James, I., hair long, &c. ; same as No. 501.
Rev. A dove, with olive branch, flying over a tranquil sea.
Leg. m a n s v r e . n v n t ia . pa c is . (The harbinger of permanent
peace.) Ex. 1697.
1 . Van Loon, IV. 247.
MB. N . At. (two varieties). Bodley, M. Advocates, M.
Gotha, At. Rare.
The applicability of this device to the fortunes of the Stuarts
at this time is not apparent. The conditions of the Treaty of
Ryswick bore no assurance of peace to them.
505. P r in c e J a m e s . 1697.
Bust of Prince James, I., hair long, no drapery. Leg. iac .
WALLiiE p r in c e p s . Below, n . r . (Norbert Roettier.)’
Rev. A dove, with olive branch, &c.; similar to the last, but
with an inner circle dividing the legend from the field.
MB. At. Advocates, At. Rare.
506. P r in c e J a m e s . 1697.
Bust of Prince James, r., hair long, no drapery.
No reverse.
506. Portrait of Prince James.
•6 by -5. (See Woodcut.)
MB. AT. Very rare.
A thin shell of gold, evidently intended to be inserted in a
ring or locket. It is copied from the same portrait as the
o 2